
ESP8266 websocket

ESP8266 websocket html5

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I wanted to learn more about websockets,
Therefore is started this project.

It starts a small webserver and sets up a websocket connection.

Then it starts sending ADC data to the websocket, and the HTML canvas will display the data and refresh over 30fps.

Code is published in:

Then i realized I had a small devboard with light sensor and RGB led,
So changed the code a bit, and made it work.

And I enabled some port forwarding, so for a online try:

I put the esp in a box, so by turning on the led you will see the change in light intensity
Dont know how long it will stay online

A big thanks to isreallot.

  • Rework

    Willem Wouters03/08/2016 at 22:01 0 comments

    I did a lot of rework in separating the websocket parsing from the http server.

    I you want to give the code a try,
    Add your own ssid details in user_main.c
    Change in index.html the websocket adres of the ESP
    At the moment retreived by flashing the esp, check output for ip
    Reflash esp with new firmware

    make html
    sudo make flash (check for correct port)

    Go to http://ipesp:8000

    And I enabled some port forwarding, so for a online try:

    I put the esp in a box, so by turning on the led you will see the change in light intensity

    Dont know how long it will stay online

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Rich text editor

timontunes wrote 10/14/2016 at 11:06 point

Wow! this is really a good project.....
Hats off....

I too want to try it for fun....

I have an ESP8266-07. I have used it with Audrino IDE, just for simple HTTP connections.

How do I get started with these things, I have read the embedded C codes, I don't know how to upload or anything related, can you just give me links of how to upload codes, what compiler I should use? 

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