
A way to manage waveforms

A project log for Project 72 - Korg DW-6000 wave memory expansion

An attempt to reverse engineer and modify Korg DW-6000s firmware in order to expand its wave memory.

isa-twospiritIsa Twospirit 03/01/2019 at 11:440 Comments
With the hardware part working and functional, it was about time to think about how to fill the expanded WaveROMs.
Of course one could manually hack binary files, but - that's uncomforatable even with regular WaveROM formats, and a pest with the rather complex format used in DWGS synthesis.
Luckily, someone (=me) had a bit too much time at hand and came up with a tool to make it easier:
The DWLUTION Waveform Manager.
Right now, we're in the process of doing some final tests before releasing it, but here's a little preview of what you can do with it.

The Waveforms used need to come from $somewhere, so there's several options of importing or creating them:
- Import WaveROM dumps or .wav files containing single-cycle waveforms:
- Draw Samples:
- Create complex Waveforms using... well, something probably best described as extended additive synthesis:
With the Waveforms created or imported, we can create new WaveROMs (for standard DW6000 and DW8000 and, of course, the extended format for this mod):
And because we (or at least I) don't want to remember where which waveform resides, the export function not only creates binary files that can be burned to EEPROMs, but also a Waveform cheat sheet that can be printed out and fits the dimensions of the waveform list on your DW6000:
What's missing?
Oh, of course you'll want to prelisten to the waveforms. No worries, we got you covered. The piano roll on the bottom of the main form will always play the currently selected waveform at the selected pitch:
Stay tuned for more!

