
Eventually ATtiny10 becomes single chip frequency counter!!

A project log for Minimalist A-go-go

A project inside Attiny. I will not step out for larger one till I complete it.

kodera2tkodera2t 06/19/2016 at 12:560 Comments

Who said ATtiny10 is "brain dead" ? In its data sheet we cannot find word I2C but we can add function as same as LED blinking. In addition, ATtiny10 has one 16 bit timer which can be driven by external clock. Naturally it will work as "frequency counter!" Here we have!

Actually I had some accumulation of AVR assembly for these two months and this code is easily written after I2C bitbang completion.This is quick coding and not optimised but as same as before dirty code is released on github.

My code occupies on flash as,

"ATtiny10" memory use summary [bytes]:
Segment   Begin    End      Code   Data   Used    Size   Use%
[.cseg] 0x000000 0x000304    772      0    772    1024  
[.dseg] 0x000040 0x000060      0      0      0      32  
[.eseg] 0x000000 0x000000      0      0      0       0  
slightly decreased by "welcome message on LCD" deletion.... still 300 bytes free!

Actual operation can be found in the following movie... Have fun and let us believe "Tiny" power!


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