
sdramThingZero - 133MS/s 32-bit Logic Analyzer

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Add an old SDRAM DIMM to your SBC for a 133MS/s 32-bit Logic Analyzer, add ADCs for a Scope...


James Newton wrote 08/08/2016 at 17:52 point

Eric, you are the MASTER of ASCII art schematics. Wow. I'm wondering if some people might do better with a netlist? That would also tie nicely into making a PCB at some point in the future. Assuming a netlist could be imported to the PCB software... probably have to be edited, but at least it would provide a list of all the connections required. Or maybe that is a job for after the first prototype is running? E.g. go back and trace all the wires and figure out exactly what netlist ended up working. 

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Eric Hertz wrote 08/17/2016 at 03:28 point

Thanks for the compliment :)

Netlists are definitely in the future! 

(Un?)Fortunately, just discovered the 74x16543, which I'm mulling over whether it's worth it to "do-right" with, or to stick to my original plan of 74x574's and network-resistors (making use of the inherent latch/OE's already built into the SDRAMs during the read-back process). So, yahknow, netlists aren't yet set in stone.

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James Newton wrote 08/17/2016 at 05:55 point

right... maybe after the prototype. 

Do all the SDRAMS have that latch/OE? If so, the only drawback is increased current draw from the resisters, right?

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Eric Hertz wrote 08/17/2016 at 06:22 point

Indeed, good thought-point, that current-draw. There's also some risk of speed-slow-down, as the various pins' input-capacitances need to be overcome. There's a new "log" on my perceived pros-and-cons... would be interested to know your thoughts.

But, yeah, prototype, dammit, prototype! In this current time-period I might even get away with even the 1980's 5V-7400-series (and LS, S, F, and A!) chips in my collection... I've had surprising luck running 'em at 3.6V!

Oh, yeah, SDRAMs' latch/OE functionality is inherent to the standard... So adding an additional latch with OE is a bit redundant. Not *bad*, but kinda defeats showing just how much they're capable of on their own.


And now... some vague/slightly-drunken perception that many of those latches' necessity might be removed by a "bootloader" and even more fed-back pins... This is *really* vague.... hmmmm

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