
Spending money

A project log for Soldering pen

Cheaper fine-pitch soldering setup with Wellers RT tips

hp-banjohatHP (@banjohat) 10/27/2016 at 08:363 Comments

I've just spend about 850$ on PCBs.. The soldering pen is going to production :)

I still need to tweak firmware and make a programming jig. PCB's will arrive next week.

Also this project will be further updated on my own site:


Cereyanlı Şeyler wrote 11/03/2016 at 23:13 point

Congratulations. I am looking forward for the order button :)

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René Arts wrote 10/27/2016 at 13:06 point

Yay! Don't know whether it was coincidence or foresight, but last week I ordered a Weller RT tip. Had to order a few big elco's for my NAD power amplifier at Digikey and saw it as a good opportunity to fill the gap to free shipping. Good to hear the Soldering Pen will finally be produced :) 

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HP (@banjohat) wrote 10/27/2016 at 18:28 point

Nice! I spent a good part of the last two weeks redesigning the board for 0603 components. Then I got a quote on production on the pen, but then I read the article on HaD about outsourcing. Then I decided to make them completely by myself. 0603's are plenty big and I'm getting really close now!

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