Quantity   Component name
7 × 5 meter RGB LED strips (60 LEDs per meter) "dumb" RGB strip
1 × ESP8266 Wemos D1 mini development board
1 × MSGEQ7 Purchased from Sparkfun.com
40 × Meters of PEX piping, sold in 10' sections purchased at a big box home improvement store
7 × LED driver boards with 3 MOSFETs and 1 P9813 chip available on eBay. Formerly available on AliExpress
2 × 12V case fan to keep the PS3 power supply cool
1 × 12V 32A power supply from an old PS3 This was discovered in a great video from Great Scott
1 × 4' x 8' x 1/8" plywood Normally used for floor underlayment
1 × Sheet of milky white acrylic For making 14 circles
2 × Electrolytic capacitors For smoothing voltage spikes coming from PS3 power supply
7 × 4-conductor waterproof connectors Sold in packs of 10 on Ebay