
Complete IoT programming and building course

In this project I will construct an IoT education platform backed by teachers high schools and universities. STEM education in practice.

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In this project i will construct all the tools and course material to start building your own IoT projects. The course will be focused on the hardware basics and software tools needed to build fun projects.

There is a huge disinterest in technology at young age. STEM education want's to change this and I'm convinced this course can bring STEM education to the masses.

To accomplish this I have established a coöperation with high schools and University. I will create all the hardware tools and build some fun projects such as:
- Simon Says on a breadboard
- Object avoiding robot
- MQTT sensor network
- A DIY SONOS system
- IoT connected NFC tag reader

The course will be programmed in C/Lua/Javascript with clear examples.

I have posted this as a 2016HACKADAYPRIZE entry because this is certainly something that matters as the kids of today are our future.

Project goal and motivation


I'm Daan Pape, a computer science student and entrepreneur. I'm passionate about electronics and software since I was a little kid. And it's been 3 years since I've made my passion my profession by founding and DPTechnics.

While I was on high school I was already building lot's of personal projects, but I've always been missing an effort from the school to promote technology to my fellow students. The best they did was a course in Microsoft Office Word an Access. This was the point where I really decided to change this.

Now a few years later I'm on my way on achieving this. In 2015 the first IoT-course was reached at HoWEST university in Belgium. But this should not be the end of my mission, it's just the beginning.

Through the membership of my company DPTechnics in the Belgian STEM charter I'm establishing a broader education network and learned that kids should learn to know technology and STEM from the age of 10 to get really interested.

Now I have teamed up with HoWEST university and some elementary school teachers to develop this project. This way I can develop all the hardware, software and course material needed for tech enthusiasts between 10 and 25 years old.

As technology becomes ever moreimportant so will the deep understanding off it. Therefore I'm convinced that this project is something that matters, it's a tool that literally helps building the future.


This project aims to create a truly open source and universal STEM technology and IoT course, ready to use in education and events such as CoderDojo.

To achieve this goal there will be worked on 3 main building blocks:

  • Hardware: open source hardware needed to complete the course examples.
  • Software: an easy to use toolchain and IDE, handcrafted especially for STEM education.
  • Book: an open source LaTex course book containing lot's of info and a pedagogic correct course for IoT. This will be a book which does not require the reader to have any knowledge about the subject.

And finally I want to work together with teachers and schools worldwide to test the course and fine-tune it.

This makes this project the first professional IoT/hardware course material which will be free to use share and adapt.


I'm an engineer and love electronics, software and the two joined together. It's this passion I wan't to share and transfer to the engineers of tomorrow. In my experience this is only possible when a large crowd is reached and if the correct educational approach is applied. Therefore I've been working on partnerships with organisations, schools and teaches to work together. This is the only way the STEM course material will be ready to use and tailor made for future engineers of different ages.

'STEM voor de toekomst' is dutch and means 'STEM for the future' and also 'vote for the future'. This is the official Belgian movement to promote STEM in schools, companies and higher education. DPTechnics has partnered up with this team of entrepreneurs, educators and government organisations to establish 'learning' networks.

HoWEST University is part of the University of Ghent group and has a very reputable Computer Science program. We teamed up with HoWEST to reach out to schools all over the country and develop courses specific for the purpose of STEM. Also HoWEST was the first university in Belgium to implement a practical IoT-course based on the material I have already developed (See my Simon Says project: , Object avoiding robot:

I'm working on establishing new partnerships across the Belgian border with my partner in our Boston office. More news on this soon. And off course, as this is an open source project, feel free to contribute or maybe if you are a teacher, let's get in touch. That would be great. Only together we can establish a real change in education.


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  • Getting started and first partnerships

    Daan Pape03/16/2016 at 08:43 0 comments

    The first partnerships are made and I'm working on making some more in the future. For now we partnered up with:

    • STEM voor de toekomst: the official Belgian STEM movement
    • HoWEST University: a Belgian university with a very strong reputation on computer science

    You can read all about them in the description.

    The next step is to start building the software, free as in 'open source' and 'free beer'. I've chosen to use Javascript and C as the main programming languages for this projects. More info is in the details section of the project.

    Please also give me a sign if you are a teacher and want to test some things out, that would be great!!

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oren wrote 11/30/2018 at 18:07 point

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