
VR Glasses

A google cardboard compatible headset that works with prescription glasses

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I want to create a google cardboard compatible headset that is comfortable to use for people who have to wear prescription glasses. A large portion of the population has to wear corrective lens of some sort in order to see. Even higher end VR headsets such as the gear vr do not completely adjust for variations of nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.

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Steve Schuler wrote 03/22/2016 at 20:23 point

Hey, Kelly. I posted my cell phone steroegraph viewer here on hackaday.io

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Steve Schuler wrote 03/22/2016 at 17:25 point

This sounds like a pretty good project. A caveat: Google Cardboard is designed to fit the larger screen area phones. It won't work with the iPod (or older iPhones) or normal sized android phones. See my DIY stereograph article here: to see how easy it is to make a stereograph viewer and I hope it helps with your design for VR glasses.

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kelley wrote 04/12/2016 at 06:39 point

Yeah that is interesting thanks

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