
Automation - 434MHz Arlec power switches

Hooking arlec RC power switches up to modern home automation systems

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I bought some remote control switches, thinking i could replace the remote with an arduino that transmits the same codes. There's libraries out there that do that already

Alas, a simple replay isn't enough. After spending a weeked attempting to find the sequence (and having the occasional success) i decided to change approach, and open up the remote and connect it to a GPIO instead.


Light switch remote, wired into arduino uno from Brenda Wallace on Vimeo.


Arduino Uno controlling the remote.

JPEG Image - 3.00 MB - 04/25/2016 at 23:55


  • voltage divider...

    Shiny04/25/2016 at 23:51 0 comments

    The switches cause the micro to send the signal, when they are pulled low.

    I've hooked up a voltage divider on each GPIO digital pin on the arduino, so about 2.5V appears at the switch, instead of 5.

  • Plan B: Hook up remote to arduino GPIO

    Shiny03/21/2016 at 00:13 3 comments

    This worked for one switch (on and off). THe arduino uno is 5V and the remote is 3V - one i connected all 4 (actually 8) switches, the voltage got to high (4V across the gnd return)

    I'm going to need to level shift this.

  • Opening the remote

    Shiny03/15/2016 at 21:27 0 comments

    Opened up the remote. desoldered some of the switches. The board in this remote is SHITTY. it desintergrated and the tracks lifted.

    A simple pullup/pulldown won't work here - ordered some mosfets from RS components.

  • Recording transmissions from the remote

    Shiny03/15/2016 at 20:48 0 comments

    == On switch one ==
    Decimal: 1786417050 (32Bit) Binary: 01101010011110101000111110011010 Tri-State: not applicable PulseLength: 263 microseconds Protocol: 1
    Raw data: 8152,744,256,744,252,744,252,264,208,1280,48,464,60,1420,72,440,368,1020,332,1744,268,732,264,732,264,248,748,736,256,256,744,736,264,248,752,244,752,248,740,768,12,736,12,740,256,740,256,740,256,748,248,264,736,260,740,740,256,744,252,260,736,740,260,256,736,
    Decimal: 1786417050 (32Bit) Binary: 01101010011110101000111110011010 Tri-State: not applicable PulseLength: 262 microseconds Protocol: 1
    Raw data: 8152,744,260,736,260,736,264,252,744,736,268,244,736,752,244,272,728,264,744,732,264,736,260,736,264,732,264,252,744,736,260,252,748,732,264,252,748,248,748,252,744,736,264,732,264,732,264,740,260,736,260,256,744,252,744,736,260,736,264,252,744,736,264,248,740,
    Decimal: 1786417050 (32Bit) Binary: 01101010011110101000111110011010 Tri-State: not applicable PulseLength: 263 microseconds Protocol: 1
    Raw data: 8164,736,264,736,260,736,264,248,748,732,268,248,748,732,264,252,740,260,736,744,260,736,264,732,264,732,264,252,744,736,264,248,748,732,268,248,748,248,752,244,752,732,264,732,264,740,260,736,260,736,264,252,744,252,748,732,264,732,268,248,744,736,264,248,740,
    Decimal: 1786417050 (32Bit) Binary: 01101010011110101000111110011010 Tri-State: not applicable PulseLength: 263 microseconds Protocol: 1
    Raw data: 8156,740,256,740,260,736,260,256,744,736,260,252,744,740,260,252,744,252,748,736,260,736,260,744,252,736,264,252,748,732,264,252,748,732,260,256,744,252,744,252,744,736,264,736,260,736,260,740,256,740,260,256,744,252,744,736,260,736,264,252,744,736,260,252,740,
    Decimal: 1786417050 (32Bit) Binary: 01101010011110101000111110011010 Tri-State: not applicable PulseLength: 263 microseconds Protocol: 1
    Raw data: 8164,736,264,736,260,736,264,252,744,736,264,248,748,732,264,252,748,248,748,736,260,736,264,736,260,736,260,252,748,732,264,248,748,736,264,248,748,252,748,248,748,732,264,736,260,740,260,736,260,740,260,252,748,252,744,732,264,736,260,252,744,736,264,252,740,
    Decimal: 1786417050 (32Bit) Binary: 01101010011110101000111110011010 Tri-State: not applicable PulseLength: 262 microseconds Protocol: 1
    Raw data: 8148,744,256,740,260,740,260,252,744,736,260,256,740,740,256,260,740,256,740,740,256,744,252,748,252,740,260,252,744,736,260,256,740,744,248,268,740,252,744,252,744,736,264,736,260,736,260,744,252,744,256,256,740,260,736,744,252,744,256,260,736,744,256,256,732,
    Decimal: 1786417050 (32Bit) Binary: 01101010011110101000111110011010 Tri-State: not applicable PulseLength: 262 microseconds Protocol: 1
    Raw data: 8160,736,264,732,264,732,268,248,740,748,248,264,732,748,248,268,740,256,740,736,264,732,264,736,260,736,264,248,748,732,264,252,748,732,264,252,748,248,748,248,748,732,264,732,268,732,264,736,260,736,264,248,748,252,744,736,260,736,264,248,748,736,264,248,740,
    Decimal: 1786417050 (32Bit) Binary: 01101010011110101000111110011010 Tri-State: not applicable PulseLength: 262 microseconds Protocol: 1
    Raw data: 8148,748,252,744,252,744,256,256,732,756,84,432,92,1388,240,272,112,888,92,88,40,1256,244,748,260,740,248,752,248,264,732,748,248,268,728,748,260,252,744,252,748,252,740,740,260,736,260,740,256,736,260,260,260,252,744,736,256,744,256,256,744,736,260,252,736,
    Decimal: 1786417050 (32Bit) Binary: 01101010011110101000111110011010 Tri-State: not applicable PulseLength: 263 microseconds Protocol: 1
    Raw data: 8164,736,260,736,260,736,264,248,748,732,264,252,744,736,264,248,748,252,744,736,260,736,260,740,252,740,264,248,748,736,264,248,748,732,264,252,748,248,752,244,748,732,264,736,260,736,264,736,264,732,264,252,744,252,744,736,264,732,264,248,748,732,268,248,740,
    == Off switch one ==
    Decimal: 1786414998 (32Bit) Binary: 01101010011110101000011110010110 Tri-State: not applicable PulseLength: 262 microseconds Protocol: 1
    Raw data: 8152,748,252,740,256,736,264,252,740,744,256,256,740,756,40,476,36,2448,12,960,264,748,52,948,44,464,728,740,260,260,364,1128...
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  • Attempting to transmit code to control switches

    Shiny03/15/2016 at 20:47 0 comments

    From the remote (works)
    Decimal: 1786416795 (32Bit) Binary: 01101010011110101000111010011011 Tri-State: not applicable PulseLength: 262 microseconds Protocol: 1
    Raw data: 8148,744,252,740,264,732,268,244,744,744,256,256,712,2988,20,756,244,740,272,732,256,748,248,288,44,1424,20,264,728,748,252,260,736,740,260,256,740,260,736,260,736,744,252,748,248,744,252,260,740,736,264,248,752,248,748,732,264,732,264,256,736,744,252,744,244,
    From my arduino (doesn't work)
    Decimal: 1786416795 (32Bit) Binary: 01101010011110101000111010011011 Tri-State: not applicable PulseLength: 263 microseconds Protocol: 1
    Raw data: 8172,296,776,808,272,800,268,284,784,812,260,288,788,800,272,276,792,284,792,804,268,804,264,812,260,812,264,272,796,808,264,276,796,808,264,276,796,280,792,280,792,804,268,800,272,800,272,276,796,804,268,272,796,276,796,808,264,808,264,276,796,808,264,808,264,

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Trevor Warren wrote 10/02/2017 at 23:20 point

Just bought one of the arlec rc210's yesterday from my local bunnings and tried to listen to the codes using an UNO + 433 Mhz receiver (Seed) but can't pick anything up. Stumbled across the following link this morning - 

See if you guys have any luck. Am back home later this week and am going to see if i can transfer those codes into arduino code. If you guys do make progress please let me know.



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peter wrote 04/26/2016 at 07:05 point

I had a think about going down this path.. I did almost buy the ARLEC device and hook it up to UNO....I went down the path of the ESP8266 with a solid state relay, clearly not as "pretty" as the ARLEC devices but I felt these power units were rather big.  I still might buy one and pull the wall units apart, I suspect there is 3-12VDC in it that can be used to drive the ESP8266 board.  Did you pull one apart ?

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