
My first commercial CNC "router"

A project log for Self replicating CNC for 194 (or more) countries

Creating a design for a CNC that is easy to replicate and suitable for diverse drives.

norbert-heinzNorbert Heinz 03/28/2017 at 19:001 Comment

From a sponsor I got a very cheap CNC machine. It's sold as CNC engraver (I guess because the mechanics is too weak to really route through a material...).

My part of the deal was to record a review video and I agreed to do so because:

-I was curious what this machine can do.

-It is a compact device with an Arduino clone running grbl, thus I can use the machine to test the software of my CNC 3.2 in my office instead of doing coding in my uncomfortable workshop.

-Cheap machines are meant to do experiments and to improve the design - tinkering at it's best!

-Compact, cheap machines are great to get young people in touch with computer controlled devices without being afraid they could break expensive parts.

Here's the video (more a general introduction in CAM than a classic review):

The output of my CNC v3.2 or 2.x is clearly better, but let's see what simple modifications can lift this engraver to a higher level of machining...


Eric Hertz wrote 03/29/2017 at 10:00 point

great idea with the modelling clay!

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