
Internet of Space

Femto Satellite + smartphone+ SDR dongle and laptop for gridless infrastructure less world communication

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Personal Femto Satellite with its CDMA radio + smartphone+ SDR Software Defined Radio dongle and laptop running TCP/IP for gridless infrastructure less world communication.

Satellite has PV cells so it harvests it's own power, Battery or Solar charger mobile power for small Smart phones with SDR dongle as Ground station and laptop as Base station. No line power needed So gridless.

No Carrier dependence So infrastructure less.

Can be launched with a boomerang, balloon, drone, sailboat to a rocket or sea vessel.

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david wrote 11/26/2019 at 20:38 point

how does a boomerang launch it to space?

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Sandeep Kumar wrote 08/26/2017 at 20:09 point

Nice project
Where from i can buy that solar cell?

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hornig wrote 10/01/2016 at 13:56 point

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