Currently supported IoT boards:
- Heltec LoRa-32
- TTGOv1
- TTGOv2
- Pycom LoPy
- Pycom LoPy4
- WeMos LoLin32 / LoLin32 lite with LoRa shield
Paxcounter is a proof-of-concept device for metering passenger flows in realtime. It counts how many mobile devices are around.
Hi, i have been doing some playing with a similar project idea, you know the andeas spiess person detector. i have altered the node-red code to obtain the list of known devices from the arp and just display macs and times for devices not known - or by implication visitor or intruder.
Now i have just been made aware of you project and am quite excited about creating a congregation size tracker for church and again my first thought is to filter out those with wifi access (staff) and the arp method seems a good fit. i have searched a bit for arp on an esp but not seen anything, I am going to try to clone andeas git and add my alterations (new to me!) if it would be of value to you let me know - maybe, probably the idea is all you need!