SeeMeCNC's Rostock Max is a great printer. It's huge, prints with awesome quality, and can handle just about everything. there's only one problem: it's very, very tall. Compounding the issue, the filament spool holder makes it a foot taller:
This project is for a minimum height filament spool holder for the Rostock Max. It bolts onto one of the top panels of the Rostock, keeping the filament right next to the extruder, but below the maximum height of the printer itself.
Designed in OpenSCAD, can be printed on the Rostock itself, and uses hardware that can be picked up at any home depot or lowes.
The printed part bolts right on to the Rostock. The mod is entirely reversible.
Yeah, but that puts the filament on the floor, two feet away from the extruder. I can *already* do that with a few lazy suzans I bought the other day.
This thing puts the spool right next to the extruder.