It holds stupidly large spools!
05/06/2016 at 19:04 • 0 commentsFor a project, I picked up a 3.5kg spool of filament from Atomic Filament. It's 12" in diameter, 3.75" thick, and completely fits in the spool holder. Neat.
The only issue I see for this is having the spool tip the machine over. It doesn't seem like that will work, but I wouldn't put a 5kg spool on this spool holder.
Assembly and Installation
03/31/2016 at 21:30 • 0 commentsThe print is finished and it works. We're going to do a pictorial here with this one.
Step One. Take the screws out of the top panel of the Rostock.
Step Two. Take the top off.
Step Three. Take off the top side panel above the extruder. Remove the two screws in this panel.
Step four. Bolt the filament holder print to the panel with the screw, two washers, and nut.
Step five. Reassemble everything. You're done.
OpenSCAD design
03/29/2016 at 19:51 • 0 commentsmodule slot() { union(){ hull(){ translate([-10.1,0,-0.1]) cylinder(h=5.2, d=5); translate([10.1,0,-0.1]) cylinder(h=5.2, d=5); } hull(){ translate([10.1,0,5]) cylinder(h=5.1, d=18); translate([-10.1,0,5]) cylinder(h=5.1, d=18); } } } module base(){ difference(){ hull(){ translate([96.8, 26, 0]) cylinder(h=10, d=5); translate([-96.8, 26, 0]) cylinder(h=10, d=5); translate([96.8, -26, 0]) cylinder(h=10, d=5); translate([-96.8, -26, 0]) cylinder(h=10, d=5); } translate([95,0,0]) slot(); translate([-95,0,0]) slot(); translate([65,5,-5]) cylinder(d=20, h=15); translate([-65,5,-5]) cylinder(d=20, h=15); } } module arm(){ difference(){ union(){ hull(){ translate([0,22,0]) cylinder(d=10, h=20); translate([0,-22,0]) cylinder(d=10, h=20); translate([170,146,0]) cylinder(d=10, h=20); translate([170,170,0]) cylinder(d=10, h=20); } hull(){ translate([170,146,0]) cylinder(d=10, h=20); translate([170,170,0]) cylinder(d=10, h=20); translate([180,146,0]) cylinder(d=10, h=20); translate([180,160,0]) cylinder(d=10, h=20); translate([200,130,0]) cylinder(d=10, h=20); } } translate([167,115,0]) cylinder(d=50,h=25); rotate([-43,90,0]) translate([-10,5,-15]) cylinder(d=10, h=270); } } module complete(){ difference(){ union(){ translate([75,-1,5]) rotate([0,-90,0]) arm(); translate([-55,-1,5]) rotate([0,-90,0]) arm(); base(); } translate([65,-10,-10]) rotate([-43,0,0]) cylinder(d=18, h=35); translate([-65,-10,-10]) rotate([-43,0,0]) cylinder(d=18, h=35); } } complete();
Press F6, and you get this: