Three versions tested
11/14/2016 at 22:25 • 0 commentsThat two versions of this image one wired version (Lite), and wireless version (ProDashboard and ProMain) are tested completely working. Here is soldered version of them, i have started design new versions of this where im planing to increase space for a 15mm in height. It will include better buck converter and direct in and out for ESC Controller.
New PCBs versions
11/10/2016 at 14:50 • 0 commentsI get my new PCBs from SEEEDS factory, quality is much better then before from other company. In picture is presented 2 type of Pedaless. Lite version is wired, Pro version is wireless version of Pedaless.
Worn tires after 8 month of driving
09/09/2016 at 20:44 • 0 commentsBecause many of people wondering about tires because motor rotate tire. So i want to show you after 8 month of driving bike to see difference between front and back tire. And yes there is difference of course but new tire is around 10euro here where i living. With my expectation around 20 month of driving you will need to change tire.
Front tire
Back tire
First wireless prototype done
09/05/2016 at 13:28 • 0 commentsFinally is there. Tested, worked version of wireless prototype of Pedaless. In next two images you will see wired and wireless version of Pedaless, both works like should work, but one is more modular.
Wireless version of Pedaless
Wired version of Pedaless
Dashboard wireless version 1 ready
09/04/2016 at 12:09 • 0 commentsHere is first version of Dashboard wireless type, it contain FTDI pins for programming, Display present speed, power, 3 temperatures, battery indicators and odometar, pin for throttle, pin for wireless module,button for menu and battery. Version is tested and working very good, without delay.
Mainboard wireless version 1 ready
08/24/2016 at 14:40 • 0 commentsHere is first version of Mainboard wireless type, it contain FTDI pins for programming, ESC pins to control ESC Controller, Temperature pin for Motor, Temperature pin for ESC Controller, Temperature pin for board and pins to connect wireless module. This version is already tested and working with prototype version of Frontboard.
Mainboard wired version 1 ready
07/21/2016 at 22:04 • 0 commentsHere is first version of Mainboard wired type, it contain FTDI pins for programming, ESC pins to control ESC Controller, Throttle pin, Temperature pin for Motor and Temperature pin for ESC Controller. This version is already tested and working.
Pedaless Dashboard v2
05/27/2016 at 21:42 • 2 commentsI was think to make some better dashboard, to fit nicely with throttle, and i think i will work on it bike ring bell. I buy 1$ ring bell and i remove all parts except finger thumb. That finger thumb i will use for analog throttle, im thinking to use hall sensor to read magnetic field or maybe i will use something other. In images bellow you will see how look PCB and how all that fit in ring bell.
I will make 3D print for cap of this ring bell because i want to use 3 buttons and display so all that will fit nicely inside.
Battery (working on it)
05/21/2016 at 08:28 • 0 commentsI decide to make battery from laptop batteries. Battery type is 18650, in this case i use 30 cells, 6 batteries in serial and 5 in parallel. ESC Controller that i have it can handle 6S battery. Right now i don't have BMS for this battery, so i will use Pedaless to read voltage, so if drop bellow X voltage i will STOP motor to protect battery. For charge i ordered IMAX B6AC charger.
Mainboard Wired version 1
05/12/2016 at 17:53 • 0 commentsAfter few prototypes i decide to make simple wired version of Pedaless. This version does not contain dashboard, that mean only need throttle button on front of bike to be connected wired with Mainboard Wired PCB. This version also contain voltage sensor so you can set cut off voltage and protect battery from damage.