
Black Rock City map LEDs

The brightness of each LED can be individually controlled. 2 inches.

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Black Rock City lights. The orange striped things are LEDs, the brightness of each can be individually controlled. 2 inches.

The design is done and functional, controlled via I2C. Future versions could add an MCU, bluetooth, wifi, GPS, battery, whatever makes the most nonsense. KiCad files

Engineering notes are here:

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Cody Furr wrote 04/21/2016 at 23:15 point

This would be awesome with a GPS so you don't get too lost during the dust storms. Too bad the city changes coordinates so you'd have to make a new one each year or make it wifi/updateable. I like the idea of having a ring around the outside too for when your deep playa.

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Josh Valdes wrote 04/24/2016 at 19:45 point

Yeah! the idea was originally for a GPS map that shows where you are on the Playa. Then when not on Playa, it would just always point to Black Rock City, by having a magnetometer in addition to the GPS. Maybe a pushbutton to reset the coordinates each year, get out there, go to the man, go to the temple, re-calibrate.

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