displaysaver cat
04/24/2016 at 17:55 • 1 commentno cats were harmed during these experiments.
Timm's 3d mockup:
compressed springs mockup
04/17/2016 at 19:35 • 1 commentNo phones / displays were harmed during these tests. We took one of the broken screens off the tiny_display_wall @shackspace.
Being nailed to the wall these displays are already somewhat broken - but served us well enough for this quick test.
(octa) copter mockup
04/07/2016 at 23:02 • 0 commentsThese tiny quadcopters weigh about 20g in total and unfortunately don't provide enough lift to carry a smartphone - but you get the idea.
putting 8 motors (octacopter) on a frame made from straws should give enoug lift for about 15g payload. the maiden flight:
backside of an old iphone that was lying around.It will for sure break the fall but it won't fly. (20g)
Maybe this is not the rout to go - but how could would it be if you could just place your phone in mid air ...
quadcopter style
04/06/2016 at 22:23 • 0 commentsidea 5 - quadcopter-style
how cool would it be if you could just leave it in mid-air and it would just hover and then gracefully glide to a soft landing. Of course the props would need to be incorporated into the smartphone.
and yes ... after less than a week ... oops I did it again ... didn't even notice when/how it happened
compressed springs
04/05/2016 at 23:32 • 0 commentsidea 4 - more low tech - compressed micro spring sticks
these just pop out (get released mechanically) when needed.
sth. like this? even a lot shorter.
mockup with ballpen springs