
A HSDK for ultrasound imaging

Using a Raspberry-based hardware and software development kit to understand ultrasound imaging

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This tool is based on the previous work done (like murgen, but was not simple enough), to get a ultrasound imaging dev kit. In short, this is a modularized version of Murgen, all equipped for imaging, based on two ad-hoc ultrasound boards, a Raspberry, a custom ADC, and a motherboard.This HSDK has for objective to: - consolidate existing hardware research;- simplify and lower the cost of the kit;- permits benchmarking of ultrasound systems;- introduce a simple API to control hardware;- have a server which provides both raw ultrasound and data standard DICOM files;- have a kit that can be used for pedagogical and academic purposes - not to mention people who want to understand ultrasound!This dev kit can be used in other projects such as dopplers, non-destructive testing, using piezos as sensors, ... More info on the basis of this work: http

Lots of water under the bridge. Since the last post! This project was born a year ago when I wanted to split a bigger board into smaller modules. I went on exploring different options, combination of modules, hardware, probes, motors, and DAQ (from STM32s to Beaglebone PRUDAQ, passing through onboard smaller ADCs), which yielded lots of interesting results. I really enjoyed exploring all of this, and really learnt a lot. Who know I'd do this when 18 months ago I didn't know anything about electronics hardware (or at least had forgotten all from the golden age of my studies?).

Anyhow, the goal here is simple. I need a stand-alone "exploring tool" to explore ultrasound systems. I have built several versions with Murgen, and have made the proof that it's possible to have a small ultrasound machine in your garage. However, I found more pleasure in building the tools and in the process of digging into the different components.. and that's what I want to explore in this project.

Hardware is basically already built: previous lessons from Murgen bring the analog front end, a hack I have can be used to emulate a probe: what remains is to remove overkills on the circuits, and SIMPLIFY everything, making it more robust and more user friendly.

The second step will be to have a good driver for the Raspberry Pi (which I believe is enough for my needs), to control the hardware, and develop a good enough server API.

Once this is done, I'll be happy to test it with probes like the ATL probes I've been debugging, with doppler probes projects here and also to explore this chinese probe of mine.

So, on with this project, and see if cross-pollination works =)

  • A pulser .. again

    kelu12403/08/2018 at 22:42 0 comments

    I was wondering why I couldn't get pulses on all negative... when the following design (from un0rick) works.

    The reason is stupid.

    1. When OE is high, Pon needs to go L->H during the pulse, but the second control is _inversed_: Poff needs to gow H->L during the damping period.

    2. When OE is low, OutA is high (as if InA was high) and OutB is low (as if InB was low).

    Hence, when two TC6320 were used, as in alt.tbo first of the name:

    - Pulser side: InA is right, but InB needs to be high by default.

    - Damper side: OE activates or desactivates the damper... but it doesn't do anything! With OE high or low, the output is the same...

    Well well well.. alt.tbo can still be used with HVPos at 25 to 75V, but then HVNeg has to be set to GND. And then, PPoson has to be on L->H, whereas the damper is activated by PNeg going H->L. Unipolar, but working!

  • More experiments - and a new driver

    kelu12410/01/2017 at 14:32 0 comments

    Working on a new version of the kernel module - here. Also tried a new version of th pulser.. a plastic tube stuck on the transducer. Helps to fix a point at a fixed distance, see below:

    The results went well:

    Read more about the experiment on the gitbook.

  • New bipolar, high voltage ultrasound pulser module

    kelu12409/30/2017 at 17:31 0 comments

    I've been making progress for the alternative pulser, here on github, based on MD1213 and TC6320.

    It does look nice, with jumpers to select voltage levels, as well as easier connectors:

    It seems the first pulses are up to the task: 25, 50, and 75V have different echoes strengths!

    Soon to be on Tindie for the first batch - twice the HV possibilities, same price as the first module!

  • Making a cheaper pulser

    kelu12408/30/2017 at 19:44 0 comments

    Part of this project is a pulser module - its aim being to generate the high voltage necessary to generate the inital accoustic wave for ultrasound imaging, with severe constraints in terms of voltage, impendance, and duration. 100V for 150ns are not unheard of.

    The previous module, tobo, was great at its job, up to two point. First was its price, with a 50$ RECOM component to generate the high voltage, and then the possibly more fragile components such as the HV7360. 

    To solve this, the HV7360 has been replaced, and I'm changing this unipolar pulser to a bipolar pulser, for both precise timing of pulses at 0, +-25V, +-50, +-75V -- voltages being set with jumper. The layout still remains the same, and yields:

    It's been sent to Shenzen, let's see how it goes =)

  • Ultrasound with the Pi W 24Msps ADC

    kelu12407/16/2017 at 22:22 0 comments

    and getting access to ultrasound raw signals, yields the way to more fun with ultrasounds! The ATL3 probe used provided access to interesting insights and signals, ultimately to rebuild an ultrasound image of our beloved phantom

    ( as usual the jupyter notebook is available):

    Not too bad! We have 1k lines, 2500points on each ADC, times 2 ADCs. That's around 5M points, at a resulting 24Msps. I got three images:

    Which, combined, provide a good example of an ultrasound image:


  • Getting to signal processing

    kelu12407/02/2017 at 09:15 0 comments

    Got interesting images using both the analog envelope and the digital detection of the envelope processes. Digital envelope detection detailed at yields the following

    and on the analog envelope side (see jupyter notebook too):

  • Putting it all together

    kelu12406/11/2017 at 22:28 0 comments

    exI have tried with the latest 20Msps ADC pHAT I've assembled for the device. I've butchered soldering the 2nd ADC, and had no spare, so I skipped one of those. The issue in this is that I got 2 output pins of the ADC soldered together, so it outputs rubbish...

    Long story short.. here's my setup:

    and the output..

    All of this is managed through the Raspberry, so I'm quite excited, and eager to develop the API to expose proper data from the RPi through wireless interactions!

  • Raspberry Pi setup

    kelu12405/29/2017 at 19:54 0 comments

    Here's a tentative setup for the SDK. It's based on a motherboard exposing all interesting signals, a Pi (W in this case), an ADC shield (detailed here) which goes up to 10/11Msps, and the pulser as well as analog processing modules.

    Things to do now:

    • Exposing the Pi IP on the OLED on standy
    • Documentation as a webserver by the Pi
    • Web storage also through a webserver (in addition to the Pi SSH)
    • Getting a nicer ADC pHAT ... 20Msps on its way
    • Making the kernel module better (control of the pulse duration for ex - and getting additional infos if possible)
    • Doing a python server - acting to serve the signal through a dedicated API
    • Explore if additional pins can really be exposed through the pads.. and used.

    Beware, I had to use a 750mA 5V power supply for the USB power. It does use a tad of power as is!

  • Simplifying the ultrasound imaging debugger

    kelu12405/11/2017 at 20:05 0 comments

    Lots of water under the bridge. Since the last post! This project was born a year ago when I wanted to split a bigger board into smaller modules. I went on exploring different options, combination of modules, hardware, probes, motors, and DAQ (from STM32s to Beaglebone PRUDAQ, passing through onboard smaller ADCs), which yielded lots of interesting results. I really enjoyed exploring all of this, and really learnt a lot. Who know I'd do this when 18 months ago I didn't know anything about electronics hardware (or at least had forgotten all from the golden age of my studies?).

    Anyhow, the goal here is simple. I need a "exploring tool" to explore ultrasound systems. I have built several versions with Murgen, and have made the proof that it's possible to have a small ultrasound machine in your garage. However, I found more pleasure in building the tools and in the process of digging into the different components.. and that's what I want to explore in this project.

    Hardware is basically already built: previous lessons from Murgen bring the analog front end, a hack I have can be used to emulate a probe: what remains is to remove overkills on the circuits, and SIMPLIFY everything, making it more robust and more user friendly.

    The second step will be to have a good driver for the Raspberry Pi (which I believe is enough for my needs), to control the hardware, and develop a good enough server API.

    Once this is done, I'll be happy to test it with probes like the ATL probes I've been debugging, with doppler probes projects here and also to explore this chinese probe of mine.

    So, on with this project, and see if cross-pollination works =)

  • A first module: the analog front end

    kelu12407/10/2016 at 11:38 0 comments

    bGoblin is born! We received the module from the fab today. This small module is composed of:

    • A time-gain-control (or a VGA) to compensate for the ultrasound attenuation
    • An enveloppe detector, to actually get the echoes
    • An amp to better stretch the signal before it goes to the...
    • 3Msps ADC

    How does it work?

    Which, in functional blocks, gives:

    It works! Let's try it with a 3MHz burst:

    Or, if we buff up the signal: with the gain control, to make it better "readable" with the ADC:

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ramsay wrote 10/23/2019 at 15:41 point

I think you guys maybe mistaking the PRF (pulse repitition frequency) and the operating frequency of the transducer. For an imaging system the PRF is typically around 3.3kHz, this is the twitter frequency you hear when you hold the probe to your ear. The operating frequency of the transducer is set by the design of the crystal by the probe manufacturer. In this case I think I saw in a photograph it was 3.0MHz.

You cannot image without pulsing and beam forming. If you are looking at a static organ you wouldn't see anything with Doppler shift techniques as there is no movement except blood flow.

While there are probably lots of mechanical probes still lying around to experiment with you have to ask yourselves why mechanical probes were  abandoned by manufacturers over 30 odd years  ago in favour of phased array for Cardiac work and convex and linear array transducers for almost everything else. Especially when it was by far the cheapest design to build and implement. Part of it was to do with the fact that there was so much inherant Doppler shift in the mechanical design of the mechanical sector probe that you were creating more Doppler noise than you were trying to measure. The other reason being the dreadful near field performance of fixed focus single crystal element.

Good luck with your future designs but try moving away from mechanical sector designs there day has long since gone

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fabian wrote 07/19/2018 at 13:56 point

is possible to find things under ground?

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kelu124 wrote 07/19/2018 at 20:42 point

hi @fabian , that's tough to say. If that were to be solid objects in sand saturated by water, possibly... but that's the best scenario.

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Jean Pierre Le Rouzic wrote 05/13/2017 at 05:52 point

You are right that the speed of sound in the body is around 1,500 m/sec and one millimeter wavelength is not possible at 45 kHz.
However it seems to me that even at 1,500 m/sec, at 45 kHz the wave length is still as low as 3.33 cm.

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Jean Pierre Le Rouzic wrote 05/12/2017 at 16:10 point

You did a tremendous job!
What about doing something without any pulse at all? Pulse hardware is costly, as you told there is a need for a fast and costly AFE. What you really want is just to send and measure some discontinuity at some time.
* For example if you send a tone at a constant frequency, then change it to another frequency and measuring the delay in the receiver, you will still be able to do A-mode ultrasound, this time with cheap hardware, no need for an ADC.
* In addition you can do Doppler analysis on it.
* With only three piezo you can have a solid state B-mode by adjusting the phase of the three piezo and making interferences, which is impossible with pulses.
* Another thought: Why not dropping the requirement for high frequency signals
entirely? At 48Khz, the wavelength inside the body is less than one millimeter large. I
doubt much medical ultrasound can do better, except with a perfect
homogeneous phantom.
* In this later case why not using super resolution techniques with multiple low cost emitters/receiver?

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kelu124 wrote 05/12/2017 at 21:08 point

too many ideas! And great ones to not make things easier ;)

I also would like to test cmuts with a multiplexer in front of it. With 8 elements, a good multiplexer, and an arduino for the pulse .. one can do synthetic aperture too - alleviating the need for mechanical stuff.

True for frequency sweeping!

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kelu124 wrote 05/12/2017 at 21:11 point

a point though: speed of sound in body is ca 1500m/so, at 45kHz you'd have a 3.10-2m resolution. Not that good :/

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kelu124 wrote 05/12/2017 at 21:13 point

Looking forward to testing this debugger tool on this famous doppler probe :)

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