NodeLP can reduce power consumption of sensor nodes by 99%.(Use timer to control power)
Most of WiFI, BlueTooth, Zigbee sensor nodes follow these procedures:
1. Wake up
2. read sensor
3. send data
4. Sleep
We know the basic rule to reduce power is to do step 1-3 as soon as possible, then go to sleep. Sounds simple, the reality is much more complicated.
The problem I found when I was working on NodeUSB project:
- Most MCUs are actually quite good at power consumption (at least during sleep)
- Other parts of the system are the problems, which can consume 3 orders of magnitude more energy
- LDO is one of the major problem, most cheap Arduino boards use AMS1117, Quiescent Current is 5-11 mA, if you use watchdog timer and disable ADC, BOD, you can reduce power consumption to few uA, so the LDO alone consume 1,000 times more!
- LED is another one. Consume 3-5 mA.
- Resistors
Here comes NodeLP, a universal solution to achieve low power consumption.
There is another problem to use USB battery (power bank) with Arduino and other dev-boards:
Most USB battery will disable output while charging, which means you can not use Solar panel with USB battery and Arduino, when Solar panel is charging the USB battery, USB battery will cut off the power to Arduino (or other boards).
I'v been thinking for a long time on how to solve this problem with a simple solution. Welcome to any suggestions.
It took a whole month to test the NodeLP, and the results are promising, it more than doubled the run-time of my NodeUSB sensor!
Use NodeLP without change anything for existing setup, I am able to run the WiFi sensor for 30 days using 1500 mAh power bank. All I need to do is plug the NodeLP between the battery and NodeUSB.