
Frequencies in Languages

Differentiating cultures through frequencies in languages.

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Proving culture at sub atomic level
Frequency of Words in language set specific releasing of several hormones in human body.
There atoms become tuned to specific frequencies
Motion of protons and electrons are set at that frequencies

So where there is a language difference , difference in culture means difference in human behaviour or thoughts exists.

Languages which have closely related frequencies have small difference in culture.
Like in english word music means songs etc
In urdu word "Gana" means songs.

Frequency of word music stimulate songs type feelings in peoples speaking english
And word Gana stimulate songs type feelings in urdu speaking peoples.
People who enter into different culture and adopt them changes at sub atomic level occur in them and they began to adopt that culture either consciously or unconsciously.
So those peoples who do not get adopted to the other culture have strong resistence and it is difficult to change them at sub-ato

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Muhammad Bilal wrote 04/17/2016 at 19:17 point

Just Got acceptance of my research paper  on this topic from IJSER!!

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Muhammad Bilal wrote 04/17/2016 at 19:17 point

Just Got acceptance of my research paper  on this topic from IJSER!!

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