
Tiny Says

A key-chain sized Simon Says game based on the ATtiny85

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A key-chain sized Simon Says game based on the ATtiny85.

It is meant to just be a simple project to get my feet wet designing circuits and PCB-s as I am an Embedded Software engineer and don't have much experience with hardware design.

Any and all suggestions and ideas are welcome and appreciated.

The final model should be a 50mm x 50mm (or smaller) Simon Says game based on the ATtiny85 that can be used as a key chain. The plan is to have a rechargeable 500mAh LiPo battery with integrated LiPo charger and USB that can also be used to upload code through a boot loader.

The schematic and PCB are made using KiCAD.

All of the project files are available on GitHub so feel free to take a look or fork the project and make your own variant.

  • As small as can be

    Stefan Mitic04/20/2016 at 23:58 0 comments

    Managed to scale down the PCB from 50mm x 50mm to 40mm x 40mm, this is the smallest I can make it.

    Also, thanks to @flashcactus's suggestion that some people might want a ISP header I added one to the board. It can be soldered if needed but the MCUs will come with a bootlaoder flashed on to them so they can be reprogrammed over USB.

    The updated files are also available on GitHub.

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flashcactus wrote 04/19/2016 at 22:58 point

Nice one. How's it supposed to be programmed, though?

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Stefan Mitic wrote 04/20/2016 at 09:59 point

The MCU will be flashed with a boot loader before it gets soldered onto the board, after that all software updates will be performed over USB. So you will pretty much get a devkit. ATM I am looking into boot loaders as I think it would be overkill to write my own just for this project.

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flashcactus wrote 04/20/2016 at 12:32 point

Ah, okay. I just don't like putting bootloaders onto ATTinies, they have too little flash already.

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Stefan Mitic wrote 04/20/2016 at 12:56 point

Well I thought what the hell, we already have USB, why not make it easily hackable. :D But I suppose I could look into adding a programming header (or at least the footprint for one) to the board so we have that option too. BTW thanks for the feedback! :D

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