
PCB ver 1.1

A project log for RRB - The Radio Rewind Button

Radio killed the Video-recorder Star

magicwolfiMagicWolfi 09/01/2018 at 03:351 Comment

2 little issues are on the board.

  1. The GPO1 signal on the Si4731 FM chip connected to the ARTY board is held low during RESET. To enable I2C configuration for the chip, it needs to be pulled high by the internal pull-up resistor (weak). A quick cut of the trace fixed this.
  2. The PCM3070 datasheet has unclear information about the REF signal. A schematic has it connected to 3.3V, the pin description states on a capacitor connected for noise suppression. Of course I picked the wrong one and connected it to 3.3V. This fix was a little bit tricky because it was connected to 3.3V between the pin and the cap by a via to a bottom layer trace. But drilling out the via barrel and leaving the track around it intact fixed this as well.

The uploaded schematic shows the 2 fixes already.

Happy configuring.


tewhitmore wrote 11/15/2020 at 00:43 point

there is a lot of interest for a radio app that you can pause and rewind, especially amo g sports enthusiasts wh want to sync their local broadcast  to TV.

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