
Enclosure design?

A project log for 2018 Open Hardware Summit badge

electronic conference badge for 2018 Open Hardware Summit attendees

oshparkoshpark 05/29/2018 at 17:034 Comments

Nemesis raised an interesting question in this post about OHS 2018 on the OSHWA Forum:

I checked the badge's reference project on Github. I attached an image below for people to get an idea of what the reference looks like. Will the enclosure for the badge be 3D printed as well?

From the ESP trINKet repo:

Here are my (Drew Fustini) thoughts:

I would appreciate any feedback in the comments here.


Drew Fustini



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Nemesis Contreras wrote 06/24/2018 at 21:53 point

First I thought the   ESP trINKet repo would be the set design for the PCB. 

but now I realize it was just a reference point for the conference badge. 

Since main concern is figuring  out the  outline and artwork (silk and/or copper) for the PCB. 

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oshpark wrote 06/26/2018 at 18:21 point

Hi @Nemesis Contreras , check out the Hack Chat for this project.  @Alex Camilo has been doing a lot of great development on the hardware design and is assembling the first prototype.  I do need to write a project log update with this progress.  Thanks, Drew

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deʃhipu wrote 05/29/2018 at 20:17 point

The #Badge for Hackaday Conference 2018 in Belgrade has a nice laser-cut back that really makes it nicer and easier to hold. It just has holes for the components, and is glued to the back. If you are laser-cutting, it doesn't have to by acrylic — for instance, bamboo looks great!

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AVR wrote 05/29/2018 at 18:11 point

Optional printable enclosure seems the easiest. We have a lot of work to do with the board/fab all by the date we need. Thanks for the update Drew!

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