
Easy Prosthetics

Prosthetics today cost a fortune and not all can afford it, we help to over come that with a affordable solution.

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Millions of people lose parts of their bodies from accidents, diseases and other such reasons. I can't imagine how my life would be without an hand or a leg, but the number of people who live their lives without it is quite high.

A hand is something personal and everyone uses it in their own personal ways. As a programmer myself, I tend to use my fingers to type some code. Maybe you may play the guitar or use it to shoot photos.

So we set out to design a system which is used to design hands and fingers which match respective persons and his hand is that which defines the person and is not just a piece of machinery that just lets you feel you have a hand.

With the help of EMG sensors we record three muscle activities in the body and use this combination to create movements of the fingers.

An android app is used to set the sensitivity of the measurements, with the help of servos to create motion according to he sensor data.

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