
First test of the new z-axis construction

A project log for OpenExposer

An affordable Arduino controlled multipurpose laser exposing device. Use it for SLA Printers, PCB Exposing, Laser Harp etc.

mario-lukasMario Lukas 05/31/2014 at 09:531 Comment

Hooray, the first test result of the new z-axis contruction with Spot-A-Materials Spot-GP resin looks good. Stage leveling is easier now. I can't wait to test MadeSolid's resin. There are some bugs in the host software. And i have to switch from my own binary protocol to a gcode compatible protocol.


Mario Lukas wrote 05/31/2014 at 09:56 point
By the way the test file is a 8x8x3 mm cube. As you can see on the picture the dimensions are not matching. But it can be fixed by changing the stepper settings in the firmware config.

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