We, a bunch of guys at our hackerspace, are building a car that can be controlled remotely with a head-mounted EEG device.
This project consists of 3 parts: *Make a car remotely controllable. *Training with Emotiv. *Track day.
I hope to do my final year research with mind wave signals (EEG) and I wanna to know how EEG head set works, how to get signals (how to get digital outputs from eeg head-set) and connect them with any micro-controller.. etc... And also I wanna to know what are good eeg head set available in market...Could you please help me.. This is my email : wisuruthiwanka@gmail.com?
Dear Sir,
I hope to do my final year research with mind wave signals (EEG) and I wanna to know how EEG head set works, how to get signals (how to get digital outputs from eeg head-set) and connect them with any micro-controller.. etc... And also I wanna to know what are good eeg head set available in market...Could you please help me.. This is my email : wisuruthiwanka@gmail.com?