The process:
Setup Arduino Gateways: (See instructable)
Components Needed:
- Two Arduino Uno Clones with 3.3V/5V switch set to 3.3V.
- One Wiznet 5100 ethernet shield
- One RFM69HW w/ wires soldered on
One Arduino will be designated the "RFM Gateway" and the other is the "Ethernet Gateway". On the RFM Gateway Arduino, wire up the RFM69HW like you see in the wiring diagram at the top of this step.
RFM69HW To Arduino
- NSS to Pin 10
- MOSI to Pin 11
- MISO to Pin 12
- SCK to Pin 13
- GND to Ground
- 3.3V to the 3.3V header
- DI00 to Pin 2 (interrupt)
Plug the ethernet shield on the "Ethernet Gateway". Hook together these two gateway Arduinos for I2C using male-male dupont cables, or just hookup wire if you have some around:
- Ground to Ground
- Analog Pin 4 to Analog Pin 4
- Analog Pin 5 to Analog Pin 5
Download the two gateway Arduino sketches above.
Prepare The Host ComputerNext, we need to install OpenHAB on the Raspberry Pi.
Follow the wiki article on the OpenHAB site to install it on a Raspberry Pi or PC/Mac.
And the final thing we need on the host computer is to install the MQTT broker called "Mosquitto". If using Raspberry Pi running Raspbian, use apt-get like this:
sudo apt-get install mosquitto mosquitto-clients python-mosquitto
If you're not using a Raspberry Pi as the server, download the Mosquitto install for a Windows or Mac. Next create the individual sensors. Each of the next steps of the tutorial covers a single sensor, so you can jump around to the sensor you want to build.
Instructions to install OpenHab
Parts List:
- [3 x] Arduino Clone with 3.3V option. $9
- [1 x] Arduino W5100 ethernet shield. $ around on this one.
- [1 x] Raspberry Pi OR your own PC
- [2 x] 10k Ohm resistors
- [1 x] Prototype Shield for as many sensor nodes as you want to build [$4]
- [2 x] RFM69HW wireless transceiver [$4]
- GPS Module $14
USE: Firefighters w/ GPS module embedded in turnout/firefighting safety gear w/ wireless transmitter inside. Raspberry Pi at base station allows accurate location of injured or lost firefighters in real time to allow for rapid rescue and improved chance of survival.
what if you were able to use the ham shield to transmit on public service and a program like aprs (Automatic Packet Reporting System) to report to a command post thus sending gps cords to the command post