
Robot Test-Stand

A versatile development cart to aid in robot development.

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I am currently planning on building an advanced robot with a variety of sensors, actuators, etc. In the past when I've built a robot I usually use a "test-stand" made up of 2x4's with straps to constrain the movement of the robot and lift it off the ground. I would like to make something better.

The Robot Test-Stan will feature the following:

  • Large surface area (3'x4')
  • Main work height will be ~2' up, to make it comfortable to work in a chair.
  • Will feature a motorized scissor jack lift mechanism on top of the main work table to elevate the robot.
  • Work area on top of lift will have a rectangular hole pattern. Rails will be built that can be attached to table with quick release pins. Robot will attach to rails with quick release pins.
  • Will have slide out panels to use as light-weight work surface areas to hold tools, meters, etc.
  • Will feature storage drawers and lower storage shelves.
  • Will have 12Vdc and 120Vac power source
  • A nice work light integrated into the table.


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  • Initial Construction

    David Gitz07/09/2016 at 02:57 0 comments

    Cut all 2x4's and 4x4's. Here is my cut list:

    • 9 ea 2"x4"x33"
    • 4 ea 2"x4"x48"
    • 4 ea 4"x4" x 22 1/2"

    Started assembly. Table is wider than my doors so I have to do assembly in my basement.

  • Purchasing

    David Gitz07/09/2016 at 02:52 0 comments

    Bought most of the materials required, except the hardware for the sliding tables and the upper test fixture table. Still need to figure out what I'm going to do for the test fixture table, and the hard for the sliding tables. So far I am in about $110.

  • Scissor Jack Concept and Dimensions

    David Gitz04/27/2016 at 01:03 0 comments

    Worked on getting basic dimensions in place.

  • Initial Concept

    David Gitz04/25/2016 at 22:14 0 comments

    Here is an initial concept of the Test-Stand. The dimensions are based on what seems to be a good work area to me.

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