
Wiring the steppers to the controllers

A project log for Internet of Things Microscope

We are updating the microscope using open source materials to make microscopy accessible globally

arch-reactorArch Reactor 05/31/2016 at 16:010 Comments

You will need to determine the wire pairs for each coil on the motor you plan to use. The most reliable method to do this is to check the datasheet for the motor.

For a 4-wire motor, take one wire and check its resistance against each of the three remaining wires. Whichever wire shows the lowest resistance against the first wire is the pair mate. The remaining two wires should show similar resistance between the two of them.

For a 6-wire motor, you will need to determine which of three the wires go together for one coil. Pick one wire, and test this against all other wires. Two wires should show some resistance between them and the first wire picked, while the other three will show no connection at all. Once the three wires for one coil have been determined, find two of the three that show the highest resistance between them. These will be your two coil wires. Repeat for the second group of three wires.

Once you have determined the coil wire pairs, you will need to attach them to the Easy Driver. The first coil pair should be plugged into Coil A+ and Coil A-, while the second coil pair plugs into Coil B+ and Coil B-. There is no polarity on the coils, so you don’t need to worry about plugging in a coil backwards on the board. In our example, we are using a 4-coil motor. The connections between the Easy Driver and motor are as follows.

Source: Sparkfun electronics hookup guide

Below is the code used to test the motor Step two was modified so that if you do not insert a number for steps the code will still run.

You can also run the following in the terminal if you name the program

sudo python left 1600
#Step 0: Preamble
#Program Title  : 
#Code Written by: Salty Scott
#Current Project:
#This code is a very basic example of using python to control a spark fun
# easy driver.  The spark fun easy driver that I am using in this example
# is connected to a 42HS4013A4 stepper motor and my raspberry pi.  Pin 23
# is the direction control and pin 24 is the step control.  I am using
# these components in the project version 2.0 and I
# hope someone finds this a useful and simple example.
# This program expects two arguments: direction and steps
# Example usage: sudo python left 1600
# The above example would turn a 200 step motor one full revolution as by
# default the easy driver 4.4 is in 1/8 microstep mode.
#Step 1: Import necessary libraries 
import sys
import RPi.GPIO as gpio # more info
import time
 #Step 2: Read arguments 
#read the direction and number of steps; if steps are 0 exit 
    direction = sys.argv[1]
    steps = int(float(sys.argv[2]))
    direction = 'left' ## new line to set default direction
    steps = 0
#print which direction and how many steps 
print("You told me to turn %s %s steps.") % (direction, steps)
#Step 3: Setup the raspberry pi's GPIOs
#use the broadcom layout for the gpio
#GPIO23 = Direction
#GPIO24 = Step
gpio.setup(23, gpio.OUT)
gpio.setup(24, gpio.OUT)
#Step 4: Set direction of rotation
#set the output to true for left and false for right
if direction == 'left':
    gpio.output(23, True)
elif direction == 'right':
    gpio.output(23, False)
#Step 5: Setup step counter and speed control variables
#track the numebr of steps taken
StepCounter = 0
#waittime controls speed
WaitTime = 0.01
#Step 6: Let the magic happen
# Start main loop
while StepCounter < steps:
    #turning the gpio on and off tells the easy driver to take one step
    gpio.output(24, True)
    gpio.output(24, False)
    StepCounter += 1
    #Wait before taking the next step...this controls rotation speed
#Step 7: Clear the GPIOs so that some other program might enjoy them
#relase the GPIO
