The main mechanical part is the carousell which moves the ball to four positions: ball in, OCR camera record, public camera record and ball out. This pipeline enables the reading speed of about 1 ball per second. One low cost CMOS camera serves as OCR input device, and the another one is for public monitors, arranged in the Bingo hall.
There are two stepper motors, one of them is for carousell rotating, and the another one repositions the ball for new reading, if the OCR process was unsuccessfull.
Controller contains two PIC24E MCUs, one of them keeps the communication with the host and controls all mechanical parts, and the another one scans the camera image and executes the OCR process.
The first sample was recently installed in Cyprus, and it works great. I've built two samples more (one CW and one CCW, "mirrored"), but without ADC1173. As soon as I get it from DigiKey (probably at the beginning of June), I'll make the video and place it here. At this moment, there is only the 5 years old demo for my experimental OCR model with PIC33FJ256GP710 and without mechanical parts:
At 0:50 you can see that there is no ADC1173 on the board, obviously my fatal chip :-) So I bypassed the video signal to MCU's analog inputs and used two internal ADCs to digitize the image with 10× interleave. That's why it is so slow.
cool! would love to see a video of this thing reading 1 bps