Quantity | Component name | |
1 | × | Arduino Mega 2560 R3 |
1 | × | 4x4 keypad with matrix encoding for hexadecimal input |
1 | × | 3x4 telephone keypad, for function buttons and DIN input, NOT matrix encoded |
8 | × | LEDs and matching protection resistors (for 5 V) |
4 | × | Pull-down resistors for DIN digital inputs (typical 10 kOhms) |
4 | × | Standard signal diodes for digital outputs to prevent leakage currents from external electronic circuits |
8 | × | N.O. momentary push buttons |
1 | × | Power Switch |
2 | × | Adafruit 7Segment LED backpacks |
1 | × | Potentiometer, 100 Ohms for LCD Contrast |
1 | × | Potentiometer, 200 Ohms for CPU Throttle |
1 | × | 4x20 LCD display, standard Hitachi HD44780 |
1 | × | Laser-cut face plate (see blueprint in files here) |
1 | × | Ethernet + SDCard shield (optional) |
1 | × | Emic 2 TTS Module / Speech Synthesizer (optional) |
1 | × | Wires, wood, hinges, hot glue, solder, tools, ... |