We start with a vector-graphic of the logo (can be found in attached files as SVG). The logo can be found in various variants on the internet. I extracted the vector graphics from http://battlemoench.deviantart.com/art/Nuka-Cola-Wallpaper-P17-k-414572262 :
Test plotted with my Roland dxy-990, pen and paper:
The vector graphic was scaled up to fill up four DIN A3 pages ("Nu","ka-","C","ola"). First, the sheets were plotted on an A3 size paper with a pen (to mark the exact location the plot will go), then the tool was changed to a cutter blade and a fitting piece of white sticky vinyl foil was taped down onto the plotter bed to be cutted. My plotter got an electrostatic cutting bed to fix normal paper in place. Care must be taken (= thick piece of cardboard) to not cut in there with the cutter blade.
Paper- and Vinyl plot:
Ok, so now as that barrel obviously contains an irradiated soft drink from the future and no hydraulics oil anymore - anyone any idea for a practical use? Rainwater storage (need some more inside cleaning)? Bar table? Nuclear waste storage? Most propably I'll use it as plant table to put... cola herb (http://gernot-katzers-spice-pages.com/engl/Arte_abr.html) on top?
The barrel is now used as vibration-dampening drill-press stand. There are two main benefits in this:
- All the dirt and cutting oil stays on top (no need to clean the cheap "floor-protection"-carpet that often)
- Drills, counter-sinks, cutting oil and other related tools now got their place on the barrel.
- The vibrations from the drill press (new V belts are more expensive than the Chinese drill-press costs new) are dampened enough so that the old wooden building does not vibrate so strong that doors and shelves shake and rattle and people next-door/floor wake up if I want to drill some PCB holes at 6am - great!