
Moving the battery

A project log for The THz Drone Project

I am working on a project to fly a THz Spectrometer on a drone. This will enable spot measurements of important atmospheric molecules.

joseph-demersJoseph Demers 06/01/2016 at 23:000 Comments

Today my 2mm taps came in so I will be able to tap the holes that were somehow missed when the chassis was made. While I was looking at the modified PB7220 I realized that with the heads and the battery all on the same side that the weight was going to be really off centered. I would have liked to put the THz optics on the other side to balance things out but then the cables will not clear the SBC..... So, I moved the THz optics more towards the center of the unit and I am going to try and move the battery more towards the center as well.


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