
HT16K33 LED Matrix Backpack

A project log for Various Micropython Libraries and Drivers

A collection of miscellaneous libraries and drivers for Micropython

dehipudeʃhipu 05/15/2016 at 14:590 Comments

The Adafruit LED matrix backpacks use the HT16K33 chip for I²C communication and driving the LEDs. I wrote a simple library for Micropython for handling those. The source code is at

The library is very basic, it lets you fill the whole matrix, clear it, or set individual pixels on it. It should run on any platform that runs MicroPython and has I²C communication. Both 8x8 and 16x8 matrices are supported.

Example code:

from machine import I2C, Pin
from ht16k33_matrix import Matrix8x8

i2c = I2C(sda=Pin(4), scl=Pin(5))
display = Matrix8x8(i2c)

display.pixel(0, 0, False)
display.pixel(7, 0, False)
display.pixel(0, 7, False)
display.pixel(7, 7, False)

Update: thanks to Adafruit's support I now added the bi-color matrix to the library.
