
Modular Unmanned Vehicle Controller

(former YAUVeC - Yet Another Unmanned Vehicle Controller)

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Unmanned vehicles have common needs: energy to think and move around, sensors to interact with their environment, communication skills and servo control. It really doesn't matter if the vehicle is going to fly, float, dive or crawl. In most cases all of the above requirements are present in one form or another.

This project is about a modular flight controller. It was made modular so I could work on one module without worrying about breaking down the rest of the system. I wanted to be able to upgrade a module with a new sensor, component or capability as much as I wanted the whole system to configure itself every time a new module was plugged. Finally, I wanted the system to be able to handle redundancy, just in case the user plugged more than one of the same module, like two pilots, or three sensor modules.

To guide the system development I followed some guidelines:

  • A generic micro controller module should be developed.
  • The connection between modules should follow some kind of standard, permitting them to communicate easily.
  • The addition of extra hardware to a module should be easy. For that to be true, the generic module should make most of the popular interfaces available to a 'sub module' where the new hardware should be installed. This submodule should be plugged to the back of the generic module and that should be the only requirement for it to work.
  • No module should have the same function as any other module on the system, unless redundancy was required.

I also wanted:

  • Generic modules to be cheap and easily replaceable. I had to select a micro controller to use in them. Out of my ignorance I chose ATMega328p.
  • Generic modules to be able to use different micro controllers, as long as they followed the same communication protocols and made available the same services to the sub modules, in the same pin order.
  • Any hardware installed in the system to be easily replaceable by newer, better versions in a way that the rest of the system would not notice the difference between the new and the old one. Backward compatibility.

This sounds much like an Arduino, but with some basic differences:

  • The ATMega328p micro controller has two SPI interfaces, but Arduino blocks one of them with the serial connection. I wanted both interfaces working: one to use as the main connection to other modules and the second one made available to any hardware installed in the submodule.
  • I wanted every byte of flash and RAM available to the firmware, so the Arduino bootloader was not an option and was removed.
  • I wanted full control of all the firmware code. Hidden code was also not an option. All the C++ code used in the system was (re)written and placed in open source classes.

To make all this work I had to develop and test some standards:

  • The physical generic module size should be standard, be as small as possible, and should include a connection to the main bus and a connection to the submodule.
  • The connection to the main bus should include power lines, communication lines and the possibility to reset a misbehaving module.
  • The connection between a module and a submodule should have as many interfaces as possible, following a standard pin order.
  • The submodule physical size should be as small as possible, but big enough to hold the necessary electronic components required for a vehicle control system, like sensors, GPSs etc.
  • The communication between generic modules should be done using a simple, popular interface. I had to decide between SPI and I2C. The second one seemed to be the obvious pick, but after reading horror stories about locked I2C buses, I decided to use the SPI interface.
  • As both interfaces transmit only a byte at a time, I needed a protocol to be able to transfer floats, longs or strings between modules. This protocol was written in C++ and is also a system standard.

The electronic standards were translated to components in EDA software. In the beginning this software was Eagle, but after hitting its limits I decided to migrate everything to KiCAD. It took me some time to reach the current project status, which is partially described below, module by module.

1 - MCU module: an ATMega328P in a little PCB, connected to the other modules by a main SPI bus. This module is surrounded by pads much like an Arduino stamp. These pads form a standard connection to a smaller module which I call a submodule. They deliver a second SPI, an I2C, a serial connection, two analog inputs and some GPIOs to the submodule. To enable the second SPI I had to remove the boot loader from the ATMega328P and strip all Arduino and wiring traces, rewriting what I needed from the beginning and redefining many things.

2 - AMGP sensor submodule: a small board that connects to the generic MCU module. This submodule has an accelerometer,...

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    E. N. Hering04/19/2019 at 02:29 0 comments

    # MUVeC
    Modular Unmanned Vehicle Controller

    This project was created in 2009 to develop an unmanned vehicle control system for 
    scientific purposes. I wanted to develop not only software but also a reliable hardware
    which should be capable of handling redundancies and, most important, which should be
    easily upgradable. New sensors and microcontrollers seem to be created frequently and, 
    to deal with that, I made my system modular.

    In the beginning there were many modules planned and I wanted to make them as cheap
    and flexible as possible. Using my very limited knowledge of electronics, I selected
    an ATMEL MCU which was the base of the Arduino. I rewrote a lot of code, dividing
    solutions into libraries that focused on simple problems.

    I tried to define a few standards on the hardware like PCB sizes, module and submodule
    connections, inter-module communication interface etc. Then those decisions were 
    transported to the code, which despite all the alerts from the AVR development community,
    was written in C++.

    Everything evolved slowly through four versions until the system converged to a working
    solution on version 5, which used an SPI interface to connect modules and a locally developed
    protocol to manage long data transfer between them without errors. 

    Version 5 depended on a communications module which interrogated every slot of the main
    bus asking if there was a module plugged there and which were its capabilities. A matrix 
    was created with the obtained data with enough information for the module to take decisions
    on which module should be interrogated in each system state to make the information flow
    from sources to destinations. Amazingly, it worked. This solution made it possible to
    create modules with mixed capabilities, like inertial sensing and piloting, and absorbing
    all of the in the system. It also made possible to handle, in the future, the existance
    of many sensor modules and many pilots in the same system. This opened the door for
    critical fault handling.

    Version 5 though, had its own limitations, like the mechanical coupling between modules 
    and main bus which was very bad. Vibrations from the engines of a tricopter affected the 
    sensor module and messed the readings. A few other problems were detected and I decided
    to solve them on version 6.

    On this new version I changed the MCU to a STM32F3, which is way more powerful than the 
    ATMEGA328P. The new PCBs gained more space and a much better way to couple them mechanically.
    Inter module communication was moved to a CAN interface. Everything now is faster
    and more powerfull.

  • Next version PCB candidates

    E. N. Hering03/27/2019 at 14:57 0 comments

  • Version 6 modules, now talking CAN and using STM32.

    E. N. Hering03/26/2019 at 13:59 0 comments

    I'm working on version 6 of the system modules. They are STM32 based and use CAN to talk to each other. There will be five modules: communication, servo, IMU, a blank MCU and a power supply one. Form factor has changed too. Now they have 4cm x 4cm.

    This version solves mounting issues, makes the communication between modules much easier and even let you use them for other purposes by connecting them to other stuff via the widely used CAN interface.

    Soon I'll post the link to OSH park and a Mouser BOM, so you can build yours at home too.

  • Tricopter simulation

    E. N. Hering02/14/2019 at 15:04 0 comments

    After moving to another city, the development of the system PCBs had to be halted for some time. Due to a lack of space, I had to focus most of the work on this project on the computer. My new job created an opportunity to revive a n-body simulation program I have written during the physics course, around the 90s. This program allowed me to simulate configurations of particles and springs interacting through well known laws and visualize them through virtual 3D cameras. I upgraded it to run on multiprocessor machines and moved all the code to C++, using SDL as a plotting tool and CERN ROOT to plot graphs.

    Testing the real tricopter became a dangerous task. The control system PIDs need to read sensor data and control engine power. I had to tie the tricopter to a string connecting the room ceiling to a 20kg water bottle that was hanging on it. When the control system was turned on, the engines could go to maximum speed and destroy something around, even with the tricopter tied. Testing the control system in a real system proved to be tricky.

    I decided to unite both efforts and build a simple tricopter model on the simulation program. I used a four particle model with particles connected by hi-K springs. Three particles behaved as the three engines, the fourth behaving as a payload. Their relative positions can be controlled by parameters.

    The forces that are applied on the three engine particles are the near same forces that would apply to the engines. And they would be defined by the PIDs that control the real tricopter. A servo was simulated to deflect the tail engine air flow and counteract residual torque. By monitoring the tricopter gravity center and particle configuration I could calculate the sensor data thus simulating a magnetometer, an accelerometer and a gyroscope. A virtual planet was also simulated to give me geographical coordinates for the simulated GPS and a magnetic field for the magnetometer.

    Tuning the PID parameters on the simulated system proved to be as difficult as doing it in a real system. The good part is that I would not hurt my fingers on real propellers. After many, many tries and different PID connection configurations, I reached a more or less stable system and decided to code some genetic algorithm programing on the simulation. Now I had populations of tricopters that tried to stay near a waypoint as long as possible. The best of them was used as a seed for the next generation. PID gains were perturbed along the population to generate more or less adaptable individuals.

    It turned out that a perturbing many parameters at a time, even slightly, did not produce optimal results. The selection process was taking many generations to produce a better individual, and its performance was far from the one I expected, so I decided to restart tuning the PIDs of a single individual manually. I also changed the PIDs arrangement, to use the maximum amount of sensor information I could.

    Today I believe to have reached a milestone. The video below shows the latest result. The red cross is the tricopter waypoint, which is moving because the small planet below it is rotating slowly. The forces produced by the engines are plotted in white, while the control system desired heading is shown in red or blue, depending on the distance to the waypoint.

    Now I believe this control code can be used on the real tricopter system.  

  • Telemetry and module capacity matrix

    E. N. Hering09/10/2017 at 17:00 0 comments

    Today I'm posting a picture of the CoolTerm terminal connected to the communications module via a serial connection.

    What can be seen are many telemetry sequences starting with ### and using # as a separator between the four bytes that represent each relevant system variable value. I made a small C++ program to parse the telemetry and show the data on the screen.

    A tall matrix can be seen on the serial terminal too. Each line of the matrix represents a capacity that an installed module can have. Modules can have accelerometers or other sensors installed, for example. Or they can be able to pilot the vehicle, or they can control servos. All the current capacities are listed in the following link:

    The matrix shows that the module installed on slot 4 have an accelerometer, a gyroscope, a barometer and a magnetometer.

    By using a matrix like this the data from similar sensors can be fused together using this equation:

    And this operation can be done in a simple loop, taking care of the possibility of sensor redundancy in a very simple way.

    Your comments are important and welcome.

    You can find me online on the #avr and #sparkfun channels of the Freenode IRC servers. People from those channels are very nice and have contributed with solutions to  programming problems and hardware related ones.

  • Laser cutting a prototype on paper

    E. N. Hering07/23/2017 at 19:44 0 comments

    Hi. I tried to laser cut a prototype of the possible new PCBs on paper. The results are shown below:

    As I'm using a very low power (500mW) 808nm laser diode, the cutting speed must be very small (25mm/min), so patience is a must.

    Parts were drawn on Sketchup, exported as STL and converted to G-Code using MeshCAM. They were fed to the CNC controller (tiny-g) using a software I made and called YetAnotherGCodeSender. Source code is publicly available. The CNC is a modified ShapeOko2.

    Here is the pre-assembling:

    And this is the final result:

    As always, your comments are welcome!

  • 2nd candidate for new PCB set.

    E. N. Hering07/20/2017 at 02:04 0 comments

    Hello. After many suggestions and critics, this is the second candidate for the next generation PCB set. Please let me know what you think. This version is mechanically interlocked to increase strength and reduce the stress on the joining solders.

  • I need your advice!

    E. N. Hering07/19/2017 at 16:02 0 comments


    I'd like to ask your opinion about the following drawings. I'm thinking of designing the new generation of project PCBs in the way displayed below.

    Making them like that would enable me to use the PCBs as PCBs and as a structural support for the modules, with the benefit of eliminating the annoying module connectors and module vibration.

    All the displayed parts are PCBs. They would be mechanically attached to each other using the slots and fixed in position using solder pads. Modules would be electrically connected to the box using solder points on the bottom and on the sides, which could also carry more connections such as a redundant power rail, or a redundant SPI bus. Modules would also gain more space, being able to grow a bit to the sides if needed.

    I need your expertise. You have a unique view about this possibility and can help a lot this project by sharing it here. Please let me know what you think.

  • Servo control module tests

    E. N. Hering06/25/2017 at 04:05 0 comments

    After a lot of testing and debugging of the servo module, I discovered I made a horrible mistake in the module project. I forgot the I2C pull-up resistors. Fixing it was not easy, but was done. I soldered two 10k resistors over the SDA and SCL lines of the servo module and connected them to the 3v3 line. Another big problem I faced was the PCA9685 I2C addressing which was calculated in the wrong way by me. The logic level analyzer I bought at for 9USD helped a lot to find and fix the error.

    It the spare time of two weeks to find and fix all the errors, but now the module has 16 working PWMs ready to control the servos.The prototype can be seen working in the video below.

    Next step is to plug the module in the YAUVC backbone and start controlling it via WIFI, or let the flight control module take care of it.

  • Introducing the YAT: Yet Another Tricopter

    E. N. Hering06/06/2017 at 01:10 0 comments


    Today I managed to put everything done until now together, building what is now called the YAT: Yet Another Tricopter!

    The thing has three electric motors, three ESCs, one servo, a switching 3.3V power supply (the 3.3v module is flawed), and the YAUVC backbone with some modules. This platform will work as a testbed for the servo control module and for the control algorithms that will try to make the YAT fly. Instead of the battery, I connected the YAT to a power supply via a cable. Communication to the YAUVC is done via WiFi. Here are some pictures:

    Next step is to develop the code for the servo control module.

    Soon I hope to come back with more good news.

    And, if you want to follow this project more closely, you can join the Telegram group, where I'll be posting more frequent updates and pictures.

    Thanks again for all your help and support!

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gykreddy623 wrote 05/07/2020 at 14:14 point

Hi Mr Hering,can u share the code for Tricopter control ,i m in an urgent need 

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gykreddy623 wrote 05/07/2020 at 14:15 point

My mail id is

Pl need help

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EngineerAllen wrote 07/18/2017 at 02:31 point

looks like a mess

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Douglas Miller wrote 05/23/2016 at 00:40 point

'Fly Hard, with a Vengeance'? FHWAV. :)

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