
Power supplies working!

A project log for Modular Unmanned Vehicle Controller

(former YAUVeC - Yet Another Unmanned Vehicle Controller)

e-n-heringE. N. Hering 02/19/2017 at 13:480 Comments

Both power supplies have been tested and seem to be working as expected. I have not tested them with LiPo batteries installed, because those batteries have not arrived yet.

Below are pictures of the 3.3V and the 5V modules. The power supplies are, in theory, capable of sourcing 1.4A at 3.3V and 0.8A at 5V. They can be monitored and controlled by the MCU modules that are attached to them.

All the project data, including code, references, datasheets, PCB schematics and design are available as open source and open hardware. You can download everything from the repository and use as you wish. You can even create modules for your own purposes.

If you find this project interesting and believe you can help in some way, please write a message to me (enhering @ gmail . com). Your contribution is very welcome!
