
3D Printed Chamfer Tool

Slide this Japanese style hand plane along any rough corners to give them a clean chamfer (AKA beveled edge). Uses a standard razor blade.

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Japanese style (sortof) chamfering hand plane that is fully 3d printed and uses standard razor blades. This is a simple tool for cleaning up rough cut pieces from wood or plastic, inspired by woodworking hand planes. Definitely faster than filing and more consistent results.

The razor blade is fixed in place by a wedge, so you can easily do manual adustment of the blade depth while the wedge is loosely inserted. When the depth is where you want it, just press the wedge in and the blade is locked. To remove the wedge, just pry out with a flat head screwdriver (there may be a better method, but this worked for me).

Results in different materials, starting with MDF:

Hardwood (Red Oak), this one only works with the grain. End grain is just too tough to cut easily with a razor blade.

Finally plastic, where the tool really shines the most. When you cut plastic on a saw or milling machine it usually leaves tiny burs on the corners that are surprisingly difficult to remove. This tool is great for shaving those off. In the pic below I did a large chamfer so it is easier to see, but typically I would do a tiny one just to remove the burs.


CAD for the razor blade used. Standard 1.5 x 3/4" single edge razor blade. The dimensions in my model match precisely the blades I purchased and are not exactly 1.5 x 3/4 - your blades may vary.

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2 piece body design, includes CAD files (STEP format) and 3d printer files (STL format). This design requires three #4-40 screws and nuts to assemble, but the two piece body is going to be easier to print without support material.

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1 piece body design, includes CAD files (STEP format) and 3d printer files (STL format). This is for those with a high quality 3d printer, requires no additional hardware to assemble. I had success printing this on a Stratasys with soluble supports, but it probably won't print well on a lower grade printer.

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  • Two designs now available

    Alex Rich05/21/2016 at 12:30 0 comments

    My original design had a "one piece" body which works great on a high end 3d printer (Stratasys with soluble support material), but I realized most people don't have one of those at their disposal. To resolve this, I designed a version with a two piece body that does not have major undercuts and should print much better on consumer grade printers. Below you can see the difference. The CAD and STL files are available to download in the files section of this project.

    Original one piece design, the body part shown in blue prints well when soluble support is available, but will probably be a challenge for printers without this feature.

    Two piece design can be printed without support material, then assembled using three #4-40 or M3 screws.

  • Examples

    Alex Rich05/20/2016 at 00:29 0 comments

    Some examples of what the tool can do, here is a rough block of black ABS cut to size with a saw:

    Here it is after a tiny chamfer was added

    examples of larger chamfers you can get by adjusting razor blade depth

View all 2 project logs

  • 1
    Step 1

    3d print the two STL files attached to this project. I printed the plane and wedge on their sides and both came out nicely. Of course I use a nice printer with soluble support material, your results may vary. I may revise the design in the future to make it easier to print without support material.

  • 2
    Step 2

    Cut a section in the wedge using a file or exacto knife to allow shavings to flow out past the blade edge. If you don't do this the tool won't work, so do it! I will eventually update the 3d model to reflect this mod.

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adilshoukat2102 wrote 09/09/2023 at 07:56 point

To create a chamfer tool, employ 3D modeling software like Tinkercad, Fusion 360, or Blender. Design the tool head, handle, and necessary features with precise dimensions and angles to match your desired chamfer. Ensure accuracy in your design for effective chamfering. In Latest Video editors like Capcut Template, Canva , Inshot Are the Best Nowadays

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