
The Utility Socket explained

A project log for ESP Swiss Knife

This battery powered device is a all-in-one toolbox : WiFi AP, 3D printer remote, clock, serial console, sensors hub, and many more...

arcadia-labsArcadia Labs 05/25/2016 at 21:070 Comments

In the details, I mentioned the "utility socket" I plan to add to the device.

I'm trying to use only I2C modules and components inside the device. So, there are "a lot" of unused GPIOs.

I plan to use some of these remaining GPIOs in the utility socket :

It would allow using "slave modules" with the device, while GPIO 0 and Reset will allow to reprogram it.

For an example, I could plug a I2C Inertial Measurement Unit, or a Serial GPS.

I plan to also use AtTinys and Atmegas coupled with sensors/actuators, as I2C slave devices. This way, I could use some IO absent on the ESP8266 : SPI, hardware PWM, analog... Each slave device will have its own unique address, so the main device could identify it, and run the appropriate function.
