
Now, an enclosure

A project log for ESP Swiss Knife

This battery powered device is a all-in-one toolbox : WiFi AP, 3D printer remote, clock, serial console, sensors hub, and many more...

arcadia-labsArcadia Labs 06/11/2016 at 01:350 Comments

I have to do something about it or something bad will happen... 2 months of software and hardware revisions without magic smoke or bug invasion, ... it won't last forever.

I could not play with this device without a proper enclosure anymore...

Printing it's own enclosure.... so untertaining....

That being said, the current v1 prototype is very usefull already : today I used it to check my 3d printer while being outside my basement (printing its own enclosure...), and I could use the analog monitor to determine the perfect LDR for a customer device. One month ago, I may have deployed a laptop and an arduino for the same experiment...

3D design is not my thing and I'm not sure if it will work, but it is now printing ... (3D design/printing is just a tool, like PHP, solder iron, electronics design and cake cooking)... as usual, I learned a lot today, goal as been achieved :)


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