
Original arcade game Gallery Mayhem

An original retro-style arcade game, cabinet included.

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Decided to create this arcade game in art school despite not having programmed more than a calculator before. Learned CAD, electronics and to use power tools. Side art, marquee and coin door etc. will be included.

Will share the game as freeware and keep an online scoreboard for it with the machine connected via wifi. The plans for the cabinet will also be available for free.

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Eric Evenchick wrote 05/19/2014 at 09:03 point
Case looks well under way. Any plans to toss a MAME emulator on something like a Raspberry Pi in there so you can play many, many other games?

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Martin Petersson wrote 05/19/2014 at 10:58 point
Yes I will, I'm dying to play Joust on it. But it's an original game first and foremost.

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