

Compost management system

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CompostBot is a compost management system that checks the health of your compost via a temperature probe and gives out conditional information based on research of optimal temperatures of compost. It is the goal that this project will reduce food waste and promote healthier living conditions by making composting smarter, and easier.

CompostBot arose out of a natural progression of gardening as a hobby. I'm using CompostBot as a means to learn prototyping and fabrication of boards. Version 1 is just a simple system that one can use to manually check the temperature of one's compost, later revisions will include connectivity and potential control systems to make successful composting less of a mystical art and more of an accessible way of living better and leaving less waste behind.


PCB designed for CompostBot v1

brd - 63.01 kB - 05/31/2016 at 23:04



Schematic of CompostBot v1 using 32u4

sch - 200.52 kB - 05/31/2016 at 23:00


  • 1 × ATMega32u4 Microcontroller
  • 1 × TMP36 simple temperature probe
  • 1 × I2C LCD screen
  • 1 × SPX3819M5 Voltage regulator
  • 1 × Solar Panel

  • 16-06-16

    Jess Eskow06/17/2016 at 00:56 0 comments

    Working Prototype of system is operational and finished. I still haven't received the boards from the house yet because of issues they had with one of their suppliers, but I've been assured that they were shipped out today. In the mean time, the working prototype looks fantastic. The enclosure is a simple finger lock box of laser cut acrylic. For the finished version I'll need to make sure it's weather proofed but for trials it should prove more than enough.

  • 31-05-16

    Jess Eskow05/31/2016 at 23:16 0 comments

    Gerbers for CompostBot v1 sent to fab house to get routed. I'll populate the board myself for cost reasons. Version 1 is merely a simple means of manually checking temperature of the compost. Future revs will provide connectivity to 2G/3G cell networks .

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