
Internet Window

A wifi-enabled 128x64 pixel RGB LED display kit

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The Internet Window is a low resolution, high brightness, wifi-enabled display. It's main components are:
* Four 64x32 pixel RGB LED matrix panels
* A Particle Photon
* A custom interface board
* Mounting hardware
* Power supply

The interface board uses a CPLD to bridge SPI data from the Particle Photon microcontroller and the 6-wide parallel shift register interface required by the panel. This allows the microcontroller to use hardware timers and DMA to keep the display refreshed with minimal CPU overhead.

The hardware, CPLD configuration, and low-level firmware libraries for the Particle Photon have been developed and made open source under an MIT license. Refer to the external links for source code and a tutorial on getting started. The hardware is also for sale on the Reclaimer Labs website.

This project is largely enabled by Adafruit and their wonderful tutorials. I referenced their tutorials frequently during my design.

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