
Just getting this dude put on here, so not much details yet.

A project log for 3D Printed PCB mill

3D Printed components and other hardware to make a PCB routing machine, which inherently can do other things.

dteelDTeel 06/05/2016 at 09:212 Comments

Well, I've been working on this a while. Took the plunge and bought a 3d printer and this is my first real project with it so I'm still learning.

I'm on about my 5th redesign and I like where I am right now and am working mainly of the software for it and making a simple CAD program so you can etch some shit.

Heres what I got so far.


McGruffff wrote 07/08/2016 at 23:41 point

Um, I believe the correct terminology would be mill some shit. jkjkjk good work man, it's looking good and I like your vernacular.  But seriously it would be milling.

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DTeel wrote 07/09/2016 at 05:05 point

aight, tanks dawg, i noe sum mafuks owt dere be trippin bowt dem werds bein yoused incowrecktly.

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