
Argg an error

A project log for Open Source Laser Power Meter

A simple USB silicon pin photodiode based laser power meter

b-a-bryceB. A. Bryce 06/26/2016 at 08:430 Comments

One of the parts on the board, the DAC, has a package that is called SOT-23-8.. In my haste in making it I took no notice of the pitch of the pins presuming that it was the same as a SOT-23-5 or SOT-23-6. Alas it is not. In fact the part is 0.65 mm pitch but with the size of a SOT-23. And so although I received my PCBs for this first version I can put them to no good use. I have sent out a revised PCB as a result. With luck I shall have something by mid-July to test.

I could of course bodge something but given all the other pulls on my time it will have to keep until the real testing can be done with a real board.
