

Wood structure, arduino controled, cheap and easy to build.

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Structure from scratch pieces of wood or similar. Chinesse linear bearing and rods. Arduino+Ramps1.4+A4988 drivers+Nema 17 stepper motors.
Marlin for control. Very high precission. Power depend on spindle.

The machine is a simple structure repeat 3 times (with differents size), one for each axis: A table mount in a linear movement.

A fix gantry it's the best option in this case for the high weight of the materials.

The basic structure have: two rods and support, four linear bearing with a table attached, and a lead screw and bearing suports. The motor are a Nema 17 stepper motor.

The Y axis are mounted in the base,

The X axis are mounted in the fix gantry. And the Z axis it's mounted in the movil table of X axis.

Arduino Mega 2560 board for control, with ramps 1.4 for driving motors and Marlin (with little modifications), as firmware.

Simple, cheap, affective.


Printed piece for support bronze nut of the lead screw

sla - 62.39 kB - 06/16/2016 at 14:35



Suplement for Linear bearing

sla - 26.64 kB - 06/16/2016 at 14:35



Suplement for bearing support of the lead screw.

sla - 13.56 kB - 06/16/2016 at 14:35


  • 4 × rods 12mm x 400mm
  • 2 × rods 12mm x 300
  • 12 × Linear Rail Shaft Support 12mm
  • 3 × T8 300mm Lead Screw 8mm
  • 6 × Mounted ball bearing Bore diameter: 8 mm

View all 22 components

  • Spindle support

    jvsalatino06/16/2016 at 15:07 0 comments

    The spindle support depend on of the type of spindle you use. If the spindle it's bigger maybe you need to put a bigger motor in the Z axis

  • Printed pieces

    jvsalatino06/16/2016 at 15:03 0 comments

    In the FILES section there are tree *.stl files.

    SUPP_NUT.stl , it's the support for the nuts of the lead screw. You need print 3 of this.

    SUP_LINEAR.stl, it's a suplement for each linear bearing. This piece it's neccesary for the table can move over the stepper motor. You need print 12 of this.

    SUPP_LEAD.stl, it's de suplement for each bearing support of the lead screw, and it's neccesary to put a the same level the lead screw and the motor shaft. Yo need print 6 of this.

    Sorry for my english.

  • Comments

    jvsalatino06/15/2016 at 22:40 0 comments

    All size of the wood pieces are in mm. The material MDF, WOOD from scratch or any similar.

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