
Software Defined Vision System

GigE Vision SDSOC Platform for Xilinx SVDK Kit Evaluation Demo

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This demo detects feature points (Edge/Corner) in every frame of input video using the Harris Conner algorithm. The video will be then added with graphic overlay marking detected point with dots, and be transferred in GigE-Vision Protocol Packet.

The PC(s) behaving as receiver end implements some software libraries (including GENiCam) for capturing the feature detected video.

Major Features

  • Monochrome video input 1280x720(720P)
  • Edge detection(Harris Conrer Detect)
  • Graphic of Detected feature point (Graphic Overlay)
  • GigE-Vision v1.2 protocol video packet(720PRaw Data) transmission
Evaluation Demo Platform
Evaluation Demo Platform Free Download

SDSoC Corner Detect GigE-Vision Tx DEMO data is available for free.
Download evaluation demo platform and test running it!

Download Data includes
  • Demo data
    Corner Detect HW/SW Evaluation Bit stream for SVDK_PicoZed 7015 SOM:.bin
  • GigE-Vison Evaluation Driver, Demo Application for PC:. bin, .exe
    (PC driver and application support Windows 7 or 8)
  • Installation manual and user’s manual

  • 1
    Step 1

    1 . O v e r v i e w

    This specification describes the procedure to write the following data to QSPI Flash and eMMC on Smart Vision Development Kit (SVDK).

    Data to be written to QSPI Flash:

    • BOOT.bin
    • image.ub.bin

    Data to be written to eMMC:

    • rootfs_emms.tar.gz
    • Firm.bin
    • BS.dat
    • DU.dat
    • XML.dat
  • 2
    Step 2

    2. Connection Overview

    Connection environment is as shown below:

  • 3
    Step 3

    3. Writing Procedure

    3-1. Witting to QSPI Flash

    1. Connect PC and SVDK board with JTAG (Platform Cable USB II).
    2. Turn on the power of SVDK board.
    3. Boot up Xilinx SDK 2015.4, Windows version.
    4. Unzip [] in [¥02_PCTool¥02_DataWriteTool] folder of downloaded file, and open the following workspace using SDK.
      1. QSPI_Write¥sdk_workspace
    5. Write the following two files (from download file) to QSPI, by using Xilinx SDK 2015.4 tool bar, Xilinx Tools
      1. Program Flash. It will take 3 minutes with BOOT.bin and 7 minutes with image.ub.bin for writing.



    Where to write (offset) are as follow

    • BOOT.bin 0x00000000
    • image.ub.bin 0x00520000

    6. Turn off the SVDK board.

    7. Close Xilinx SDK 2015.4.

    8. Disconnect JTAG(Platform Cable USB II)from SVDK board.

    3-2. Writing to eMMC

    1. Connect PC and SVDK board (PS portion) with LAN cable.
    2. Connect PC and SVDK board with USB serial cable.
    3. Turn on the power of SVDK bard, and wait until the two LEDs (DS4, DS5) turn on, per fig 3-1 below.

    (Note: LEDs flickers for a second soon after Power On. Please wait a while until the lights turn on)

    If the 5 data are already written to eMMC, 2 LED light turns on, followed by additional 2 lighting on, and all

    4 LEDs turn on showing the board is boot up, per the fig 3-2 below.

    Fig3-1: State of 2 LEDs lighting

    Fig3-2: State of all 4 LEDs lighting on

View all 5 instructions

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