
Assembly CAD of the DAV5 V3 Spectrometer

A project log for DAV5 V2.1 Spectrometer

The ZEN of simplicity Making the Complex...Seem Simple

david-h-haffner-srDavid H Haffner Sr 11/03/2016 at 14:410 Comments

Picture number 2, illustrates placement of first mirror and focal mirror at exactly 35 degrees for both mirror platforms, this conclusion was verified through my own experiments on my optics protoboard to make sure this design would work.

Now sometime in the future I may add a 10X objective eye piece lens in between the two mirrors if the focal mirror is not adequate enough to focus the wavelength correctly, or if I want to precisely choose a wavelength through incident angle diffraction.

So this is my rough draft number 1 ( without the lid of course.)


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