Calibrated CFL spectrum 6500K using the DAV5 V2.1 spectrometer
12/24/2017 at 18:32 • 0 commentsWell this revised version is certainly doing better than I thought it would, especially since its using a 4.7GB DVD piece as a diffraction grating :)
The Rspec capture program is invaluable, and I will be purchasing it before the trial date expires, I'm sold!
It has features that are easier and better thought out (not to mention a far better user manual,) than Spectragryph 1.2.7
Below is the raw data capture from Rspec:
This is the actual CFL spectral image from Rspec (cropped):
Above is the calibrated CFL spectrum ( 6500K/23W/120VAC) and below is the FWHM data:
Right now I have a resolution factor of 3.4nm, not too bad but I can get it down a lot more with some fine tuning, hopefully to at least 2nm, this is due in part to limitations of the ELP cmos camera and using a DVD piece as a diffraction grating, (ruled gratings have random imperfections within their spacings.)
Solux lamp spectrum compared with our Solar spectrum
12/20/2017 at 18:37 • 0 commentsI imaged my Solux lamp (4700K/50W) lamp with the DAV5 V2.1 spectrometer to test out the 32mm focusing collimation tube assembly and referenced the results to our own solar spectrum using the G5V solar spectrum calibration from RSpec, the capture software I use for this particular camera.
In the above graph, the purple spectrum is our sun, referenced against my solux lamp.
The above pic shows what the spectral image looks like from my Solux lamp spectrum.
New Upgrade for the DAV5 V2.01 UV/VIS spectrometer
12/09/2017 at 22:31 • 0 commentsI decided to get back to work on this project since I have a new contributing partner on board. The camera I am using for this is very low resolution I just wanted to utilize a different set up design using the new di-electric coated mirror ( 400-750nm) and Schott glass filter attached to the focal lens.
Also it's not easy finding a webcam that works well with Spectragryph but this one works fine, so I'll use it for now until I find one that is at least a 5 mega pixel in resolution. The old JDEPC-05 board level camera, doesn't seem to work anymore with the new spectrometer software upgrade.Well anyway here are some Solux lamp spectral images I captured today, ( 4700K, 50W and 12vdc 1.2A regulated power supply)
Cost Analysis for Year 2016 ( DAV5 V3 Spectrometer)
11/09/2016 at 17:38 • 0 comments -
Details on the JDEPC-05 Camera Mount Assembly
11/09/2016 at 14:00 • 0 comments -
Final Design [JDEPC-05 Camera Mount Assembly]
11/08/2016 at 20:01 • 2 commentsHere is the final design assembly for the camera mount for my next project the DAV5 V3 Raman spectrometer, I have been doing these designs on FreeCAD v0.16;
JDPEC-ov05 Camera Mount for the DAV5 V3 Spectrometer
11/07/2016 at 15:50 • 0 comments -
Messing with the Ray Tracing program on FreeCAD
11/05/2016 at 21:41 • 3 commentsThis is the Square mirror mount I designed for the DAV5 V3 spctrometer, I think the ray trace came out pretty good.
Main Enclosure W/Lid for The DAV5 V3 Spectrometer (design # 2)
11/05/2016 at 16:56 • 0 comments -
Dovetail Assembly for 10X Objective Lens Holder
11/05/2016 at 11:57 • 0 comments