
Fall detector

Building a device to automatically monitor home care patients

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The main idea is an automatic monitoring system for home care patients and care centers. It will provide security and a feeling of safety by detecting when a resident fall. After the detection the system will be able to alert professional personnel or family. The system should be affordable and should not be significantly less accurate than other available options.

When elderly people fall it is particularly serious and often leads to injury or death. That is why automatic monitoring has an important role in home care and care centers. The fear of falling leads to restricted ADL/IADL (activities of daily living/ instrumental activities of daily living). The fear is justified, fall related injuries are among the five most causes of death for the elderly population. If falls would be detected the patient could be provided with in-time medical treatment. In-time medical treatment could save lives. The presence of personnel brings an elderly patients the feeling of safety. Could the presence of an automatic fall detecting system also lower the fear and therefore increase ADL/IADL?

OpenCV + Python + Raspberry Pi 3

  • 1 × Raspberry Pi 3 model B
  • 1 × Generic webcam
  • 1 × Generic phone Fish Eye lens

  • Testing of the device

    Kim Salmi10/03/2016 at 20:31 0 comments

    Here I'm testing the device for lack of movement.

    The program detects if the person is not moving for a time period. In a real situation the time period would be set around 2 minutes if the person is on the floor. For the sofa there could be a limit of two hours and for the bed there could be a limit of 12 hours. There are currently not different detection times for the sofa or a bed.

    Demonstrating loggin the alerts to a webservice (on the feed the person gets id 7):

  • Monitoring a person

    Kim Salmi10/03/2016 at 20:27 0 comments

    With background subtraction we have got the foreground detected a.k.a. the objects of interest. What should we do with this information?

    Activity detection

    There are different methods to monitor people. Activity detection is used to determinate what activity the person in the video is performing. In the static analysis the persons posture is analyzed at a specific time. A posture is a good indicator of what the person is doing e.g. lying, standing or sitting. This information alone is not very useful. That is why in the dynamic analysis the outcome of the static approach is combined to the earlier static approach outcomes. In this way we can analyze movement patterns. If the person was standing in the last frame and in the current frame is detected as lying, the person probably have suffered from a fall.

    Well in the real world this is not as easy as it looks. One study shows that there are three features that usually occur when a person falls. The incident will happen in a short time period, typically in a range of 0.4-0.8 seconds. The persons centroid changes rapidly and significantly. And last the vertical projection of the person changes significantly.

    Position and motion analysis

    While posture analysis is a good way to detect the persons state it is hard for it to detect what activity, more specific than just sitting, standing or lying, the person is performing. That is why the persons position could be used to determine what ADL or IADL the person is currently performing. With this technique the daily routines could be monitored and taught to the system and if something abnormal is detected, it could create an alarm.


    Because presented methods does not always achieve the sensitivity needed for a robust system these methods could be combined. The results from static analysis, dynamic analysis, position and motion analysis can be combined with simple AND or OR rules. The final decision could also be generated with combining each output and the certainty of it as a weighted result to create a maybe more robust solution.

    Currently the system only detects only if a person is not moving enough in a time period. These are the features that i am currently developing to the second version of this product.

  • Fall detector installation to Raspberry Pi

    Kim Salmi10/03/2016 at 20:13 0 comments

    Fall detector installation

    Fall detector is installed to a Raspberry Pi 3 model B. Now follows a step-by-step guide for the installation.

    For debuggin purposes RASPBIAN JESSIE (Full desktop image based on Debian Jessie) is installed as the operating system. For the final version RASPBIAN JESSIE LITE (Minimal image based on Debian Jessie) with Python and OpenCV installed would be better.

    Installing the operating system to the SD card is simple and Raspberry Pi foundation has it all covered up on their website.

    After the OS is runnign there are a few things that should be done. Localisation options can be set, if needed, with raspi-config. The following commands will set it to Finnish.

    > sudo raspi-config
    5 Internationalisation Options
    I1 Change locale

    Keyboard language can be set to Finnish, or any other language, with setxbmap.

    setxkbmap fi

    Now everything can be updated. This can be made by connecting the device to the internet, via wifi or ethernet. After the connection is established the package list should be updated and then every program should be upgraded and lastly downloaded packages should be cleaned up. This can be made with the following commands.

    > sudo apt-get udpdate
    > sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
    > sudo apt-get clean

    After this the latest firmaware should be updated. Raspbian has a tool called rpi-update pre-installed and this can be used for the purpose.

    sudo rpi-update

    After the firmware is updated, a restart of the system is needed.

    sudo shutdown -r 0

    Python should be already installed in the system. This can be verified with running python from the terminal.


    Next OpenCV can be installed with apt-get.

    sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev python-opencv

    Numpy should be already installed. This can be verified with trying to install it with the Python package manager pip, which is a recursive acronym that stands for "Pip installs Packages".

    pip install numpy

    Fall detector repository is cloned from Github.

    git clone

    After this the system can be tested with running

    cd falldetector-public/fall-detector-v1/
    > python

  • Basic video analysis: What is Background subtraction

    Kim Salmi07/07/2016 at 21:44 0 comments

    Usually the interesting part in a video scene is not the background but the objects in the foreground. These objects of interest could be any object; humans, cars, animals etc. Foreground detection also called background subtraction is a method where these objects of interest are separated from the background in a video.

    If the background of a scene remains unchanged the detection of foreground objects would be easy. Just take a picture in the beginning of an empty scene and then compare future frames to that first picture. The first picture can be called the background model.

    This method is not really useful in real life. Almost in every scene the background changes or at least there is video noise. That is why a threshold should be adapted to the detection.

    You can test this non-adaptive background subtraction with a threshold written in Python (2.7.x) and OpenCV (2.4.x).

    import sys
    import cv2
    threshold = 100
    camera = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
    _, backgroundFrame =
    backgroundFrame = cv2.cvtColor(backgroundFrame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    while 1:
    	_, currentFrame =
    	currentFrame = cv2.cvtColor(currentFrame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    	foreground = cv2.absdiff(backgroundFrame, currentFrame)
    	foreground = cv2.threshold(foreground, threshold, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1]
    	cv2.imshow("backgroundFrame", backgroundFrame)
    	cv2.imshow("foreground", foreground)
    	key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF
    	if key == ord("q"):

    As soon as the background change, e.g. someone opens a curtain in a room, this method fails. That is why one could use an adaptive background model where the background model adapts to changes in the environment. Here is a variation of this adaptive model.

    import sys
    import cv2
    threshold = 10
    camera = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
    _, backgroundFrame =
    backgroundFrame = cv2.cvtColor(backgroundFrame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    i = 1
    while 1:
    	_, currentFrame =
    	currentFrame = cv2.cvtColor(currentFrame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    	foreground = cv2.absdiff(backgroundFrame, currentFrame)
    	foreground = cv2.threshold(foreground, threshold, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1]
    	cv2.imshow("foreground", foreground)
    	alpha = (1.0/i)
    	backgroundFrame = cv2.addWeighted(currentFrame, alpha, backgroundFrame, 1.0-alpha, 0)
    	cv2.imshow("backgroundFrame", backgroundFrame)
    	i += 1
    	key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF
    	if key == ord("q"):

    This is the basic idea of background subtraction. You can read more about video analysis in my thesis (still working on it) or if you want to look in to modern backgrounding methods you can start with the Gaussian mixture model and for further reading: Xu et al. (2016) Background modeling methods in video analysis: A review and comparative evaluation

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Luigi B wrote 03/11/2021 at 16:04 point

This is really cool! What's the accuracy rate?

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sajidbrong wrote 12/01/2019 at 12:40 point

is this projects works without Raspberry Pi 3 model B

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_henry wrote 07/21/2016 at 18:42 point

Thanks for the follow! And very cool!  I was also thinking of approaching the fall detection with machine vision using a Kinect.  What do you think about that?

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Kim Salmi wrote 07/21/2016 at 20:00 point

Thanks to you too! I have been browsing different Kinect approaches and they look really cool (e.g. You should totally look in to it!

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