

A project log for Yolo SFP

A simple breakout board for easy integration of SFP transceiver into projects

marblemarble 04/12/2018 at 10:163 Comments

Today the PCBs from PCBWay arrived. Upon first inspection I can see no defects. Even the solder mask and silk screen seem so line up perfectly. I'm also glad that the vias are tented, meaning that putting silk screen over vias didn't make the text unreadable.

Right now I'm waiting for all the components to arrive. I got 11 boards (I ordered 10), but only parts for two protoypes. I depending on how well I don't fuck up the soldering and power supply, I may need to order more parts and SFP modules.


aishwarya418112 wrote 09/06/2023 at 11:28 point

I am also starting a similar project but have a requirement to support a 100 MHz clock rate and a 2 Gbps data rate with an SFP transceiver. I want to build a simple breakout board that works without having to understand the jargons of EEPROM and configurability for other SFP tranceivers. If possible do without them. But how do I deal with the mod select pins on the transceiver? Ignore them? Any helpful thoughts? 

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Jose Blanco wrote 12/14/2018 at 19:07 point

Hello, made it with eagle software?

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GamekidXZ wrote 04/13/2018 at 03:33 point

are the edges curved? This curved edge PCB looks cleaner than normal PCB

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